15 Warnings, visions, dreams

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Derek held him and when his shaking voice finally got out those choking words those hands tightened around him and gathered him up against his chest. "Stiles! What do you mean? Stiles?"

Stiles head hurt so bad there was blood trickling from his nose and he was on the edge of passing out. He tried to clutch at Dereks shirt but there was no real control over his body.

He sighed as he felt Derek caress his cheek and the pain slipping away slowly was the greatest mercy. His vision cleared as he took a deep breath. "Saw... the hunters... they... they are coming... here... to kill us... they killed us... all of us... We have to run... Don't know how... many of them... more than 10... I think... " Stiles blinked trying to clear his gaze of the pained haze.

Derek craddled him to his chest and a dangerous growl ripped from him as he started running into the house. "Peter! The Hunters have gone ROGUE! Pack! Time to head to the Safe house!"

Cora was there beside them in an instant. "What about Boyd and Erica?"

Derek shook his head. "Peter and I will hold them. Take Isaac and Stiles Cora. Keep them safe." Derek was moving again and he was outside in the driveway. Derek gently laid Stiles in the Camaros back seat and caressed his cheek pulling as much pain out of him as he could.

Stiles reached out and gripped his wrist and looked into his eyes. Stiles eyes were so bright. "P-Peter... he might lose it... don't... don't let him lose his... humanity... he will turn... into a monster... h-hes not a monster..." Stiles wasn't really sure what he was saying. He felt like something was flowing through him and he was just along for the ride.

Derek's eyes flash red as he looks into Stiles eyes. "I wont let anything bad happen Stiles. Now I have to go-"

Another sharp spike of pain makes Stiles arch in the back seat as he grips his head and he sees something flash in front of his eyes.

Derek in the back of his Jeep trying to hold down Boyd and Erica who are struggling and snapping at him and Peter is driving the jeep but then suddenly Boyd and Erica snap through the chains breaking them and they start tearing and Derek. Boyd bites into his throat.

"AAAAhgh!" Stiles thrashes and then he is pushing Derek until they are both out of the car and Stiles can see Peter is loading Erica and Boyd into the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\5\5\ of his jeep. "No! No! Derek you have to take Cora or Isaac with you! You cant them by yourself. You cant... Please... don't... ". Stiles falls to his knees and his vision is tinted red.

His body falls to his hands and knees. Red tears spill down his cheeks. Bloody tears. He feels like he is being torn apart. His eyes and head hurt so badly he whimpered and felt Derek put his arms around him and wrap him in his embrace and felt his growl vibrate through his chest into his body. It felt kind of nice. His head lolled to rest on Dereks shoulder and that is when he felt it.

The Nemeton.

Whispering into his mind. Stiles tried to understand what it was saying. But how do you understand a tree stump? Even a magical one.

Stiles must have blacked out for a moment because he was back in the back of the camaro and Derek was wiping the blood from his face.

"Isaac is taking you to Deaton. Youre spark has awakened and I don't know how to protect you from it. I will come for you in the morning. Don't be afraid Stiles. I will take care of the pack. Just be okay. You hear me? Stay out of trouble." Derek was pulling more pain from him. He could feel it. He could feel it and see the black viens running up his arms.

Stiles gave a weak smile. "Im the one saving you... remember... "

Derek looked in his eyes and nodded as he caressed his hand through Stiles hair. "Yes. Stiles you did Save us. You saved my family again. Now go. Isaac... keep watch until dawn."

The door was shut before Stiles had a chance to ask if Derek had listened to his advice. "Don't die..." Stiles murmured to Derek who was already jumping into the back of the jeep with Peter who was already in the back. Cora was at the wheel.

Stiles smiled as he lay back and blinked hazily up to the ceiling of the camaro. Isaac peeled out of the driveway speeding off to Deatons.

As Stiles fell into a deep exhausted sleep, in his dream he stood infront of the Nemeton. There he felt something calling to him. Something that wanted him to come closer.

He reached out slowly and brushed his fingertips across the bark. Nothing happened... "I don't understand." Stiles told the dream. Then suddenly the roots started to move. They wrapped around his legs and he screamed as they pulled him and more wrapped around his arms as they drug him up onto the flat surface of the stump.

Stiles was screaming and fighting the roots trying to thrash away from them but they were too strong. They pulled him stretched him across the center of the nemeton and then green vines started to grow and wrap around him. They kept wrapping around him and covering him until he was encased in them and could no longer see. The vines had enveloped his entire body.

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