18 Morning Sunshine

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Isaac was sitting beside him holding the journal for him still closed and he was looking Stiles over worriedly. "At least you didn't have a nose bleed this time." He offered.

Stiles chuckled and held a ice pack to the back of his head. "Yeah. I just puked my guts out. Fun times." His voice was still raw and hoarse from yelling. He was so tired. He just wished it was morning already.

Isaac reached over slowly and touched his hand. Black veins run up both their arms. Isaac eyes water. "Don't Isaac..." Stiles whispered but his eyes were slowly lowering as his body slowly relaxes. His eyes close and his body slowly lists to the right to lean his head against Isaacs shoulder. He slipped into a deep exhausted sleep.

No dreams. Just sweet silence.

Until he heard a buzzing. What? Why is there buzzing? Make it go away.

Then Stiles groans as he nuzzles into the warmth and hears a soft growling snore. What?

Blinking slowly he looks up and sees that he is cuddled up with Isaac in the corner of Deaton's operating room. Isaac was sitting up against the corner of the room and his arm was around him as he laid against his side with his head laying on his shoulder.

It was dawn from the look of the golden light seeping in through the cracks of the blinds. Isaac had pulled his pain and let him sleep against his side. Derek's jacket was covering them both.

Stiles smiled at the blonde wolf. He was a good friend. Slowly Stiles sat up rubbing his eyes and wiping the drool off of his mouth and off Isaac's shoulder. "Wake up dude." Stiles said but there was no reaction. He just chuckled as he looked down at his own phone seeing 7 texts from Derek.

-from grouchybrows-

Isaac isn't answering his phone. Where are you two?

Tell Isaac to answer his phone

Where are you

I am going to kill you both

Are you okay?

Stiles! You better be okay or I am going to rip your throat out!


Chuckling Stiles shook his head. Texting him back.

-To GrouchyBrows-

Don't be such a Sourwolf. We just woke up. Good morning to you too sunshine.

Stiles reached over and shook Isaac's shoulder. "Derek is pissed cause you didn't answer your phone."

Isaac jolted awake scrambling for his phone. "Oh shit."

Stiles chuckled hearing his phone buzz again.

-from GrouchyBrows-

I am going to rip your throat out. With my teeth.

Stiles just laughed and slipped Derek's jacket on getting to his feet. Isaac and he went to the Camaro and Stiles played around in the really nice car. Fiddling with the mirrors and the radio stations and even snooping around in the glovebox.

"You shouldn't do that. Derek hates anyone messing with his car. This is the first time I even got to drive it." Isaac said watching him out of the side of his periferial.

"Ha ha. He can get over it." Stiles checked his CDs and found it fascinating. Queen and ACDC and Metallica. Wow could he be less original? Pfft. Then he found a couple of good CDs That's the Spirit by Bring me the Horizon, and a few by Breaking Benjamin.

Stiles had to stop snooping since they were parking.

An old apartment building that was abandoned from the look of it. "This? This is it?" Stiles asked.

Isaac nodded and got out of the car. "Yup. This is the loft."

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