explinations and black viens

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Stiles was pacing.

Back and forth.

From one side off the end of the room to the other. Everyone else was sitting across the room farthest away from him. Watching him.

Eyes. All on him. He just paced. Back and forth. His mind working. Coming to terms. Then he stopped and turned and looked at them. They didn't move. Just staring at him.

Except for Derek. Derek is sitting looking at the wall.

Stiles hesitated and then he took a step closer to them. The group of werewolves all waiting for his reaction.

"..." He stood and just tried to say something. Any thing. Just say something. "So do you like... eat rabbits and stuff you when you go hunting?"

"Really. That's your question." Peter asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Well I was going to ask if you were all born were wolves or if you were bitten, or if you had a tendoncy towards certain wolf like behaviors such as territorial claim or even a pack dynamic with eachother but I ... well... " Stiles shut up as Derek finally looked at him.

"My family and I are born werewolves. I bit Isaac, Erica, and Boyd." He stood up and then he said, "I am the Alpha."

Stiles blinked and saw his eyes flash red for a second. "And that means... What does that mean other than you are the leader?"

Stiles was curious about all this. Derek looked at him for a moment. "Im stronger. The stronger my pack. The stronger I am. I lead. Beacon Hills is the Hale Pack territory."

This was big. "Are their vampires here too?"

There was a bunch of eye rolls. "No."

"so... Can you change into a real wolf?" Stiles asked a little hesitantly.

"No. My mother was able to. But none of us can. " Derek said calmly.

Stiles was thinking again. His eyes turn to Erica. "It fixed your seizures..."

Erica nodded slowly. "Yes. The bite cured me. It made me strong."

Stiles slowly sat down and then he was looking at his hands. That's when they all started telling him about being Werewolves.

Everything he needed to know they told him. But one of the biggest things they explained was Hunters. Hunters were bad news.

Stiles took everything in. His mind absorbing all the new information. He ran fingers through his hair and sighed. Then he looked over to Deaton who had just observed for now.

"so... what exactly does it mean that I am a Spark?" Stiles said with his body tense.

Deaton let the sentence hang for a moment before he answered. "It means that you have a spark of magic inside you Stiles. You attract supernatural beings. Not very much but enough for it to be dangerous to you if you are left unprotected. If you misuse the spark it could become a void... which would attract darkness to you and possibly overtake you. It means you are special and that you could become very powerful one day"

Stiles let that sink in. This was heavy. Sitting back in the chair he stared up at the ceiling. "... Okay..."

"I believe it would be best to rest and talk more about this later." Deaton slowly rose and went to the door. "If Stiles needs a place to stay on the full moon tonight then My door is always open." Then the good dr was gone.

Stiles had a headache. He rubbed his temple and then felt fingers slide against the back of his neck and gently squeeze. Warm. The pain slipped from him and he sighed softly. "That's a wolf thing isnt it..." He asked with his head bowed knowing it was Derek touching him. "Every time you touch me... the pain goes away..."

Those warm calloused fingers squeeze him just a bit before letting go. "Yes. Now go rest. You've been through a lot and we need to prepare for tonight."

Looking up he saw that Derek was already walking away from him. He also saw that his hand was covered in black viens that were slowly dissapearing.

Stiles climbed up the stairs and crashed on his bed. The last thought he had before going to sleep was wondering if those black viens hurt...

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