full moon prep

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It was the full moon tonight. Stiles knew that it was going to be intense. He was living in a house full of werewolves and he was the only one that didn't go all fuzzy with killer teeth and a need to run wild at the full moon.

So what was his plans? Well as of now he wasn't sure. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he noticed that there was a chain on the outside of his door now. They must have put it in before he went to sleep last night. He must have been really out of it.

At least he didn't sleep walk out of the house last night. Now he felt a little better. Walking down the stairs he looked up and saw Derek shirtless doing chin ups on the beam between the kitchen and the livingroom.

His back was impressive. Like really impressive. Like damn. That tattoo looked really good too. Swirls... hmm. "AHG!" Stiles missed the last step on the stairs and fell to the floor in a clumsy heap as he hadnt been paying attention. Too focused on Dereks bare torso and all those rippling muscles.

"Ow." Stiles groaned as he started to get to his feet.

Then before he knew what was happening he was being pulled to his feet and his eyes went wide as he felt hot sweaty hands gripping his arms he looked up and saw Derek and his deep hazel eyes looking down at him. His jaw clenched and he saw the red flicker in his eyes.

Stiles slid his eyes down to see Dereks hands covered in black veins. He realized that his knee no longer hurt from where he fell. Looking back up to Derek he blurted. "You must hate touching me... Always taking my pain..." Stiles hadnt meant to say that.

Derek didn't take his hands away. He stood there holding Stiles arms shirtless and silent.

Stiles bit his bottom lip as he let himself peek down at Dereks torso. Damn the man was adonis personified. He was perfect. Hard 8 pack and that ripped chest those shoulders... that v... Stiles had never really looked at a guy like this before.

Hed been curious before but hed never looked at another man and just felt something inside him ignite before. He felt himself start to blush and felt really stupid so he kept his head down.

"... Maybe one day you wont be in pain anymore..." Dereks breath tickled over his temple as he spoke.

Then before Stiles could choke out a reply he heard Derek take a deep breath through his nose and then felt those hot hands slip away from him and Stiles looked up only to see Dereks retreating back.

Damn. Stiles shook his head and then he knew he needed to get a grip on himself. The big bad Alpha was way out of his reach and no where near his level. So better to focus on the full moon. Suddenly he noticed Peter leaning over on the wall just watching him with a smirk.

Frowning at the creepy smirk he asked. "So what happens tonight? When you all go native?"

"Well. It is pretty simple, the moon rises in the sky..." Peter pointed up to the ceiling. "And then we shift. Before that happens we have to chain tweedle dee and tweedle dumb up down in the basement to make sure they don't go on a rampage. They still havent been able to find a anchor to be able to hold onto their humanity. For bitten wolves it is harder." Peter shrugged.

"Who are tweedle-" Stiles was about to ask when Erica and Boyd stood on the stiars and cleared their throats.

"Its us. We cant seem to keep ourselves under control. Keep ahold of our humanity on the full moon. So we get chained up." Erica flips her hair and shrugs. "Very kinky."

"What happens if you get out?" Stiles asked seriously.

"We end up killing whatever or whoever we come across..." Boyd said looking like he had hated that fact. Hated that he would hurt someone.

Stiles looked between the three wolves and then asked, "How do they find an anchor?"

"They have to find it themselves. It's not like someone can just give them an anchor. It is different for everyone." Peter explained rolling his eyes.

"You said it was harder for bitten wolves than for born..." Erica griped.

"But Isaac found his on his first full moon. The kid was a natural. He even helped coral you two the first time you tried to break out and slice up all our pretty faces." Peter quipped cocking his head.

"Cant you just... like use eachother for an anchor?" Stiles pointed between Boyd and Erica.

They tensed.

"You never use a person as a anchor. Or love." Derek said fully clothed and standing in the doorway.

"Why not?" Stiles asked looking confused.

"Because what happens when those things are gone? You are left without an anchor." Derek said as if he were speaking to a bunch of elementary kids.

"What do you use? What is your anchor?" Stiles askes tilting his head.

"Anger." Derek said without hesitation.

Stiles arched a brow. Grouchy. He thought as he shook his head. "I don't think that is very healthy of you."

"You don't know what you are talking about so it doesn't matter." Derek said as if the conversation was over. "We will train until dusk and then put Erica and Boyd up for the night."

Stiles sputtered and then headed up to his room. He started researching. His laptop was up and running in seconds his room door closed and his google-fuu was going to help him get through this. Maybe even help him help Erica and Boyd and stop Derek from being such a dick.

Well... a boy could hope.

Search key words: Wolf pack behavior

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