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Stiles sat there wondering if Derek and the rest of the pack were safe. He bit his lip and looked out the window and the empty tea mug was on the book shelf beside him.

Isaac was standing beside the doorway of the operating room and he seemed to be itching in random places. He kept moving a jittering and his eyes kept flashing golden over and over. It was obvious that he felt the pull of the moon.

Deaton was over by another book shelf that had books and bottles of liquids and powders and plants and crystals going through them calmly picking a few out.

Stiles looked down at his phone and decided to text Peter.

-too CreepyPeter-

Hey are you guys safe?

Stiles bit his lip and turned over to look to Deaton and suddenly a thought came to him. "Is there any way to help bitten werewolves find an anchor?"

Deaton arched a brow to him and he then looked to the shelf and his hand found a book. Fingers grasp it sliding it out from between two crystals. "This might help you find the answer to that. It has some information in it about the bond between Emissary and Pack and the ways to help in certain situations."

Deaton handed the book to Stiles and he noticed that it was a leather bound journal type of book. "This should be helpful. Thanks Doc." Stiles slid down the wall and sat down on the floor as he untied the string holding the book closed.

As he opened the leather flap and pulled the book open the moment he saw the writing on the first page something punched through him hard and his head whipped back against the wall as he saw the flash.

It ripped through him. A young dark skinned man was smiling at a woman with dark hair and pretty green eyes. Then her eyes lit up red.

Another flash of the man helping her fight against another wolf pack. There was blood and screaming but the man kept the woman safe from an arrow by taking it for her then he shot threw a knife at the man that had tried to kill her.

Another searing flash of the man and woman kissing.

Another of them both confessing their love to eachother.

Then pain ripped through him as he watched the woman look at another werewolf and something flashed between them. Mates. The imprint was instant. The man stood and watched the love of his life fall in love with another man. The pain took him over as he screamed.

Years of watching the woman he loved create a family with her mate. Of watching over their family. Of trying to protect them. Of failing and watching as the home they had built burned with the woman he loved burned to death. Of feeling her death. Of feeling her burning.

Stiles was on the ground thrashing and screaming something over and over. "TALIA TALIA TALIA TALIA!!!"

Then he stopped and lay limp on the ground with Isaac on his knees trying to hold him down and yelling at Deaton to help him but Deaton looked terrified as he stared down at Stiles.

Stiles was shivering as if he had hypothermia his body felt like a burnt out husk. He had just seen Deaton's past. Had seen the Emissary that he was and what had happened between him and Derek's mother. How had the man survived... how ...

Stiles took a breath as Isaac touched his neck and pulled some of the pain out. It helped Stiles to come back to himself. There was no blood this time. But as Isaac helped him to his feet he rushed over to the large sink in the corner and wretched up everything that had been in his stomach. Heaving into the sink as he remembered what Deaton had felt like when he had seen his beloved Talia find her wolf mate.

When he was empty and he could breath he washed his mouth out with water and washed his face and then washed his sick down the sink.

He couldn't look at Deaton. Couldn't do it. The man was stronger than anyone he every knew. He couldn't...

His phone buzzed.

Taking it out and looking at it he saw it was peter answering his text.

-from CreepyPeter-

We are safe and the kids are tucked in for the night. Don't wait up. We will have Isaac bring you over in the morning. Don't get into trouble. Tootles.

Stiles looked over to Isaac who was right beside him. He leaned on the blonde and with a ragged whisper asked him, "They are safe. Please... don't tell them about what just happened..."

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