The Hale Pack

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So somehow Stiles was able to help Erica convince Derek to let them go to the grocery store to buy edible food.

Derek said it was too dangerous and that they should just stay in the loft until night fall but Stiles shot that down by saying that hunters wouldn't dare kill them all in full view of the public in the grocery store.

After whining with Erica, his new side kick for some reason, for about two hours Derek finally gave in with a growl and a snarl.

Peter just chuckled and rolled his eyes and Cora sighed. Isaac and Boyd smirked. Erica threw a arm over Stiles shoulder as they walked around the store looking for food. Apparently, Erica was very thankful that Stiles' vision had saved them.

They were perusing the candy isle with Boyd hanging back like a silent watch dog. Stiles grabbed a pack of twizzlers and some candy bars and even a few bags of reeses pieces and skittles. Erica laughed and he shrugged. "Hey if we are going to be holed up in the loft for a while you are going to thank me for getting this. Don't lie."

Erica giggled and nodded. "Too true. Candy is a must."

Boyd snorted but chucked a baby ruth into the basket.

Stiles thought Erica smelled nice. Like vanilla and honey. Sweet. It made him smile.

They had to spend another 10 minutes in the bath supply isle so she could get her favorite shampoo and stuff. Apparently the pack hadn't stocked the safe house aka the loft with supplies. Which Stiles pointed out was just plain lazy. Always fortify your safe house. He winked at Erica and she had giggled under her breath. Stiles also realized something else.

The pack dressed alike. All of the wolves wore black. Or dark colors and they all had black leather jackets. He felt a little out of place in his red hoodie but Peter had made the statement of him being the little red riding hood of the group.

Stiles had scoffed that that made no sense. But Peter had just chuckled and walked on.

Stiles grabbed a bunch of healthy food and Isaac had arched a brow. "You realize we are wolves right? We need meat."

"Ha. Well sure if you want to be all cliché about it. You need healthy fruits and veggies too puppy." Stiles smirked as Isaac frowned.

There was another tug deep in his core as they all ended up over at the meat station crowded together arguing over what steaks and bacon and meat to buy in bulk. Stiles stood back as he watched Derek growl at the arguing teen wolves as they bickered about what was better and Peter and Cora were having a snark fest over sausage.

Stiles looked at them all and smiled. It... it was like a real family. How long since he had been somewhere... anywhere... and felt like he belonged? Too long.

But these crazy werewolves and their complicated lives and tendencies towards dangerous situations still came together and accepted him as their own. He felt the ache deep in his core grow more solid as he smiled at them.

They finally got the shopping done and were headed to the Jeep and the Camaro to load up. It didn't take long with all of them helping. Or more like all the teens helping and Peter making snarky comments and Derek looking annoyed. Cora was just leaning against the Camaro.

Stiles had swiped a twizzler and it was dangling from his lips as he loaded the last of the bags into the back of the jeep.

That's when he heard it. The whispering. He stopped and looked up over towards the woods behind the store. The Nemeton was whispering to him again. But just like before, he couldn't understand what it was saying. Couldn't catch the words.

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