Chp7 peter

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After a long shower full of scrubbing he was finally clean. He was dressed for bed which consisted of his boxers and flanel pajama pants and his old tee shirt that had a hole in the collar.

He was drying his hair with a towel and brushing his teeth when he heard some voices through the vent.

"You need to tell him."


"We only have two days till-"

"I know that!"

"Then you need to tell him before things get hairy."

"I said I would take care of it."

Stiles walked out of the bathroom and saw Boyd and Erica kissing on the stairs. They looked up when he caught them. Stiles felt his face get hot as he turned and went down the hall towards his room. He knew his face was splotchy red from a blush and stepped into his room.

There were some things on his bed he hadn't put there.

He arched a brow and went over and looked at the box. It held a laptop and a phone both new models top of the line and then there was a not ontop of a envelope.

Reading the note he was a little taken aback.



These are yours. All of our numbers are programed in the phone. The envelope contains your weekly alowance. Don't watch too much porn.

P. Hale


Stiles hesitated then opened the envelope to find 150.00. He recounted three times and then he looked at the note then he turned on his heel and headed to Peter's room.

Knocking loud and fast. Nothing happened. He knocked again.

Peter's door opened. Peter looked smug. "Well you actually got clean. I guess I owe Cora 20 bucks."

Stiles held out the box to him. "here."

Peter looked down at the box and arched a brow. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah... I can't take this stuff." Stiles saw that Peter was crossing his arms so Stiles just put the box down at Peter's feet.

"I assure you everything is in working order." Peter mentioned to him.

Stiles shook his head. "That's not it..." Stiles looked around then looked back to Peter. He quietly said. "Listen. I don't need a sugar daddy. I'm not into playing uncle bad touch. And I will be locking my room at night. If anyone ends up finding themselves in my room at night when I'm asleep I just want you to know I have a blade hidden in my room. And even if that doesn't work I have sharp teeth and will not hesitate to bite off extremities." Stiles saw shock fill Peter's eyes even as he tried to stay calm.

"Uncle bad touch?" Peter asked with a chuckle. "I think you have the wrong idea-"

Stiles shook his head. "No. I don't think I do. New phone new laptop, 150 bucks a week. And a note that mentioned porn. I have been here before. I have had a foster guardian that did all those things trying to show how nice they could be to me." Stiles took a step back. "Then suddenly everything came with a price." Shaking his head he said. "No thanks."

"Stiles that is not what this is." Peter shook his head and pointed to the box. "You need a phone and a computer for school and to get ahold of us."

"And the allowance? No one gets that much money for allowance as a foster kid. The only reason take us in is to get the money from the state." Stiles pointed at the envelope. "Like I said. I don't want a sugar daddy."

"Stiles stop." Peter looked upset. "Just stop." running fingers through his hair he shook his head. "I'm not trying to buy you Stiles. I gave the other's the same package when they started settling in here at the house. And the money in that envelope is the money I get from the state every week. I don't need it. I'm actually quiet wealthy. And no offense Stiles but you're not my type."

"..." Stiles looked from the box to him then back again. "But the note..."

Peter smirked. "I was trying to be funny. I might not be a good man. But I'm not the type of man to touch people against their will. Plus I'm heterosexual." He nudged the box with his foot. "So take your box back into your room. Oh and good for you to have a weapon. Just don't get caught with it at school."

Peter went back into his room shutting the door and left Stiles and his box out in the hall. Feeling like a prick Stiles picked up his box and went back into his room. He placed the box on his bed and picked up the laptop putting it on his desk and opening it up and then plugging in the chargers for his two new devices. He picked up his phone and opened it.

He scrolled through the contacts and saw everyone there.


C. Hale

D. Hale



P. Hale

Dr. Deaton.

Stiles bit his bottom lip and felt guilt make him press over Peter's name. Then he hit the text button.

- To: P. Hale -

sorry for being a dick

Stiles looked down at the phone as it said the text was sent. Then he typed more.

- to: P. Hale -


After a few minutes of fiddling around with his phone it binged at him saying he had a message.

- from: P. Hale -

don't mention it.

Stiles put the phone down and started playing on his laptop and felt a little better now that he actually had something like this again. He had been fiddling with it for about and hour before he heard his phone ping again.

-from: P. Hale -

Stiles did that person you talked about hurt you? Did they force them selves on you? What is their name?

Stiles was dumbstruck. He looked down at his phone and swallowed as he tried to decide what to send.

- to: P. Hale -

No. They didn't hurt me. They tried to touch me but I stopped it. When it was obvious I wasn't going to let her touch me she gave me back.

-from: P. Hale -

I would still like to know her name Stiles.

-to: P. Hale-


-from: P. Hale-

Because I plan on sending a Private Detective after her to make sure she never has a chance to try to do that to any other children.

Stiles looked down at the message and bit his lip. He hesitated and then he sent the Message.

-to: P. Hale-

Jennifer Blake

-from: P. Hale-

Thank you. Good night Stiles.

That was the last message he got that night as he played with his computer and his phone and personalized everything.

The contacts now read







He smirked at the list and then at almost midnight he slipped into bed and nodded off quickly. 

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