chp4 Marks

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When he woke up next he was in his bed and there was a stranger sitting in a chair a few feet away. Stiles scrambled up against his headboard and then he saw Peter standing by the door.

"It's okay this is our family Doctor Stiles. Dr Deaton." Peter said smoothly.

"Peter tells me you had what looked like a panic attack and passed out." The Dr had a very calming voice. "Is that normal for you Stiles?"

"uh... Uh..." Stiles must have passed out. He didn't really remember what all happened. "Y-yeah... Sometimes I have panic attacks." He was sitting as far away from them both on the bed as he could.

"I see. How many times do you normally have an attack in a month? And I see you have some injuries. I'd like to look them over. How did you get hurt Stiles?" Dr Deaton stayed seated and looked through his bag beside his feet.

Stiles licked his chapped lips and then looked away and shrugged. "I don't know. Not alot...3 maybe 4?" Stiles looked down at his hands that were still wrapped up from his busted up knuckles. And he knew he had a black eye and a bruis on his cheek. He also knew he had a few more bruises underneath his clothes that he woulnd't mention. "I fell down. I'm clumsy."

Stiles noticed Peter shift a bit in his stance.

"I'm going to need to do an exam over your injuries and over your body to make sure everthing is ok and youre in good health." Dr Deaton told him calmly.

Stiles stood up away from him. "What kind of exam?" He felt his heart speed up.

Dr Deaton looked a bit concerned. "It's just to make sure youre' healthy Stiles. I promise it's completely non invasive. I just need you to take off your shirt and your pants you can keep your underwear on. I'll check your vitals aswell."

Stiles bit his thumb knuckle and looked away. "And if I don't want to take off my clothes?"

Dr Deaton frowned just a bit and shook his head. "I won't touch you in an unprofessional mannor Stiles. If that is what you are afraid of. Peter is right here and your guardian would never let anyone hurt you."

Stiles couldn't help a little puff of laughter come out as he had bruises under his clothes from some of his so called guardians.

Peter looked a bit offended.

Whatever. It didn't matter right. Nothing mattered. Stiles sucked it up and looked away from them both and pulled his hoodie off throwing it on the bed and then he tensed as he pulled off his shirt and then shucked out of his pants. He was wearing boxers so he stood there for a moment not really wanting to turn back arround knowing that they could both already see the fading purple and black bruise that took up a big area over his left shoulder blade. And the welt over his back that was still healing over. He knew that his back had some scars and so did his legs. the back of his left leg had a faded green bruise along his calf.

Then as he turned around his chest had three fist sized blue and green fading bruises. There was a newer black bruise from where he hit the stairs when he first got here.

His ribs could be seen from how skinny he was and he felt scrawney.

Standing there covered in bruises and scrapes and his hands bandaged and he looked up his shiner still vibrant. He caught Dr Deatons sad and worried looking eyes and then movement caused his eyes to slide over to where Peter was staring at his body. Peter's eyes were scary again. Like really scary. Like he was ready to murder someone.

"May I ask what happened to cause all this damage Stiles?" Dr Deaton came over and he reached out and Stiles stepped back.

"I told you. I'm clumsy." Stiles voice was low and he didn't look the man in his eyes.

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