19 Warm Welcome

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Stiles yawned as he climbed up the stairs. He looked over at Isaac who still had bed head and smirked and they finally got to the top floor and saw the big sliding metal door and just as they were reaching it, it slid open to reveal Derek standing there taking up a lot of space with his large body and tangible alpha presence.

His eyes were glowing red and Isaac looked like a chided child but Stiles just yawned and stretched cracking his back. "Morning Derek."

"Get. Inside. Now." Derek growled.

They went passed him and he closed the door. Suddenly they were both stopped by him and he was checking them over for any marks. Derek was careful with them both as he did this. Stiles grumbled and pushed his hands away as he was still a bit sore from sleeping on the floor.

Once Derek apparently thought they were okay he moved to get away when suddenly his eyes lingered on Stiles and he sniffed. Then his eyes narrowed as they slid to Isaac. Stiles caught the flare of Derek's nostrils and then the way his eyes faded to green and he turned away from them with his shoulders just slightly rounded.

What was that look about? Stiles looked around and saw Erica and Boyd sitting at a table and looking worse for the wear. They looked like they had hangovers of the really bad kind.

Cora was by the window drawing little things in the dust on the glass.

Peter was lounging on the stairs like a lazy cat.

Styles let his eyes slide over them all. The pack. Run out of their home by the threat of certain death. And they were all just so damn silent and tense. Stiles didn't like it. It made a ache bloom deep inside him.

Like he could feel the faint phantom pain they all felt.

Stiles watched as Derek stood by the table with his arms crossed and his head slightly bowed. Then he heard Derek speak with finality. "We can't go back. The manor isn't safe anymore. Peter and I will deal with the rogue hunters and make sure they don't come after us again."

Stiles blinked his eyes widening. Things were more serious than he thought. "Uh... shouldn't we all deal with the rogue hunters. Like you know, strength in numbers and what not." Stiles offered.

They looked up at him and he felt the weight of their stares.

"No. It's too dangerous." Derek growled as he shook his head.

Stiles scowled. "There are at lease 10 phycho hunters out there hunting us all ready to kill us all horribly. And you want to take one guy as your backup against them?" Stiles scoffed "You're kidding right? Tell me you are kidding."

Derek stood up straighter and his hands were now fisted at his sides. "Yes. That is my plan. You got a better one Stiles?"

Stiles thought for a moment and then perked up "Actually yes." Stiles felt a bit of a pull inside him. He wasn't sure exactly what it was but it made his stomach clench a bit. He shook it off and then went on. "Why don't we all go after them. Set up traps around the woods, and when they come after a couple of us we run through the woods and some of them get caught in the traps and then you all get the rest of them. I mean if we-"

"No." Derek growled.

"What? But-" Stiles tried to argue.

"I said no Stiles. It is too dangerous." Derek's eyes flash red as his fangs peek from between his lips.

Stiles scowled and then took a step forward. "You are going to get yourself and Peter killed if you do this by your selves and then who is going to stop them from picking the rest of us off..."

There was a heavy silence. Then Erica asked, "Have you seen it in one of your visions?"

Stiles realized they were all staring at him now. He felt chills go up his spine. "No. But I know that I am right. And so does Derek." Stiles looked up into those red eyes and saw it. "You have a pack for a reason. Don't take everything on by yourself..."

He saw Derek almost flinch. He felt that pull again. God it was starting to ache again. At the very core of him. Stiles caught Peter slowly standing up and watching them closely.

"They aren't ready for this yet." Derek shook his head and toward over Stiles.

"Then get them ready." Stiles shrugged. "You have three born werewolves and three bitten werewolves. Pull it together and be a pack." Stiles felt a little nauseous and he put a hand to his stomach as the ache pulled at him again.

Derek's hand was suddenly there touching his hand black veins barely appear before fading. There was no pain to pull. But he looked up at the Alpha as he asked. "What is wrong?"

"I think I'm just hungry or something." Stiles remembered throwing up last night and maybe that was the weird feeling inside him. "Do you have any food here?"

Derek's hand ended up on the back of his neck. It must be becoming a habit. A gentle squeeze reassured him. "Yes."

"Nothing edible." Erica groused.

"Jerky is edible Erica." Isaac said rolling his eyes.

Erica made a disgusted noise and pouted.

Derek's hand was still on Stiles neck just touching him. Stiles felt the ache slowly ease and smelled musk and leather and pine around him. "I like jerky." He said with a little shrug.

Peter smirked.

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