chp 8 Sleepwalking

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Shivvering he saw it. The door to the morgue. 'No. Please. I don't want to be here. Please.' Stiles tried to say but it was like his voice wasn't working.

His feet kept walking. It felt like a long way to the door to the mourg. When he got to it an invisible force pushed it open. Cold. So cold.

He stepped inside and he saw the dark room with a table with what looked like a body covered in a sheet.

'No. Please. I don't want to see... please no' Again no noise came out of his mouth. But his heart was hammering hard in his chest and he was so scared. 'Please someone help me.'

Stiles felt tears slipping down his cheeks as he shivvered in the room as he finally came to a stop.

He reached out slowly his body moving on its own without his permision. He tried to stop it but he pulled the sheet back.

He came awake screaming as he saw his fathers body.

When his eyes opened up he realized why he was so cold. He was outside.

What? Where was he? No... had he... sleep walked out here?

Shivvering he looked around and saw he was standing infront of a really big tree stump in the middle of a little clearing. What was this place? Why had he slept walked again? He hadn't sleep walked since he'd left Beacon Hills.

Looking down he saw that he was only in his pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. Looking around he knew he was lost. There was no way he'd be able to get back to the house.

He felt something. His pocket. His new phone was in his pocket. "I swear I'm going to hug that creepy bastard!"

His shaking hands gripped the phone as he slid the phone open and then his fumbling fingers hit the first name that was up. He put the phone to his ear and prayed that someone would answer. It was so dark and he was so cold.

When he thought it was going to go to voice mail Derek's sleepy gruff voice came from the phone.

"Stiles? What the hell are you doing calling me at 2 in the morning?"

Stiles voice shook as he said. "D-Derek I'm lost! I don't know where I am. I was sleep walking! I thought I'd grown out of it but I guess I didn't and now I'm lost and I'm r-r-really cold."

"Stiles what do you mean? You're not in your room! Stiles what are you wearing? Look around you what can you see?" Derek sounded awake now. Stiles heard Derek pounding on the doors at the house. "GET UP NOW!"

Stiles tried to move to the tree stump to sit down but he tripped and fell and thankfully held onto the phone. He sat up and shivvering he hugged his knees. "I-I'm in the forest. It's really dark. I can't see much. There's a big tree stump in this clearing."

"Get Away from it! Get away from the stump Stiles! Get away from it now!" Derek sounded scared.

If a man like Derek could be scared then Stiles was definately scared. Stiles scrambled up and away from the big stump and started to try to get away from the clearing.

"Derek! Do you know where I am! It's so c-c-cold. I'm just wereing my pjs." stiles whimpered as he stepped on a rock.

"Stiles we are coming to get you! We will find you! Just get away from that clearing and then stay huddled against a tree for warmth. Do you hear me Stiles!" Derek sounded like he was running. Stiles could hear the others in the background but couldn't make it all out.

"Y-yeah I hear you. Please f-find me." Stiles hunkered down against a tree in the forest and hugged his knees and looked around the dark. He was scared that some kind of wild animal was going to find him and eat him.

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