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Stiles had a headache. He rubbed at his eyes and temples and groaned as he sat there listening to Derek and Peter talk to them all. This was his first official pack meeting.

It was close to sundown and the tension in the air was actually palpable.

"We have reinforced the cage and the chains so that you two don't tear each other apart." Peter said giving his little goading smirk.

Derek had on his pattented frown and he was looking at the clock on the wall. "Peter Isaac Cora and I will be watching on shifts so that we can all get a run in tonight."

Isaac was sitting next to him and he noticed the blonde boy sniffing then turning towards him with a little confused frown. But Stiles was to busy trying to get the pounding in his head to calm down to really pay him much attention.

"Stiles," Derek's voice was hard and it caused him to flinch at the sound then look up focusing on listening again. "You will stay in your room tonight. We had to put an outside lock on it... So that you wont be in danger of sleep walking again."

Stiles frowned a bit. Alone. But hey he could deal with that. They would be too busy to deal with his crazy spark shit. Nodding he rubbing the back of his neck at the space of his skull feeling that pounding still steady and relentless. "Yeah. Sounds good. Have fun turning furry and chasing rabbits."

He felt Isaac touch his arm and instantly black veins sprung over his hand and over Stiles arm. The relief nearly made him moan as he took a steadying breath. Isaac made a sudden groaning noise and his hand was gone only a moment later.

"Go get some migraine medicine. It is in the first aid kit in the bathroom." Derek spoke up suddenly as he was close touching Isaac's shoulder almost in a way someone would try to reassure a person that was frightened.

Stiles nodded and got up heading over to the bathroom. He saw them start to get ready. Boyd and Erica were heading down into the basement with Peter. Derek was talking to Isaac and Cora was stretching in the living room.

Stiles got into the bathroom and searching for the headache medicine. He shuffled through the kit and then finding it downed two of them.

He felt a bit dizzy and was worried that he might throw the pills back up. Hoping that some fresh air might help Stiles stumbled out onto the porch and then out onto the gravel drive around the trees and it was dark. He was rubbing his temples and eyes as the buzzing in his head was starting to get worse. Something was wrong. His head felt like it was going to split open or explode.

He gripped his hair and shivered. Suddenly Derek's voice was infront of him and he looked up finally opening his eyes to see Derek in a shaft of moonlight and those red eyes. Stiles looked into those red eyes and then his vision was filled with red.

It felt like an explosion was going off behind his eyes and his body arched suddenly as he let out a strangled cry of agony.

Suddenly he saw Derek and Isaac running. They were from something. Derek was saying something about getting back to the house. That they had to make sure everyone was okay.

Then Peter was running beside them. His face was bloody and he was snarling and fearsome. He had an arrow sticking out of his back.

Suddenly more arrows flew past them as they ran. One struck Derek in the back and then another struck Isaac on the shoulder.

They let out roars of pain and anger. But they never stopped running.

Until they ran into the clearing around the house. Erica and Boyd lay on the ground their heads severed from their bodies. Blood pooled all over the ground in a big dark puddle.

Cora was hanging from a tree cut in half. Her torso completely severed.

Then there hanging from the porch roof was Stiles. A noose around his neck his face bloody and bruised and a dark red stain across his abdomen that was blood. His hands had been tied behind his back. His body was swinging slightly side to side in the breeze.

Derek and the others roared and they were suddenly surrounded. Hunters. Arrows flew fast and hit Isaac in the chest as he ran to Erica and Boyds bodies. He stumbled and two more arrows sank into his stomach. He fell and crawled to the bodies and then an arrow sank into his throat and he gurgled and blood poured from his mouth as he fell across them.

Peter was tearing through human after human. He was a huge hulking demonic looking wolf. Everything human about him gone. Hed gone insane and let his humanity completely go. He tore through the hunters but his body was so riddled with arrows that after the 7th man he killed two of them used swords to stab and hack at him. They slashed him to pieces.

Derek fought against them without losing his mind. He was fast and graceful. He took them to pieses. Ripping out throats and tearing heads off and slashing stomachs. All the while arrows sank into his back and stomach and chest. He didn't stop. He never stopped. He turned to the last of them and was impaled by a long sword.

Derek's red eyes gazed at the old man with hatered and his shifted face roared as he pulled the sword deeper and then gripped the old mans head and twisted it snapping his neck.

The old mans body fell and Derek stood there with the sword still in him. Coughing up blood he stumbled towards the house. His eyes taking in all the death around him.

Then Derek stumbled to the porch pulling the sword from his body and then cutting Stiles down he held him in his arms and then Derek stumbled and then fell to the ground. Kneeling on the ground he laid Stiles down and coughed as he was over him.

"I... I'm so... sorry..." Then Derek pulled Stiles with him to where Isaac Boyd and Erica were laying. Derek laid Stiles down beside Isaac and then he covered them both with his body. He nuzzled his face into Stiles neck and tears spilled down his face as he lay there dying.

The light left Derek's eyes and it was silent.

Stiles came back to his self as he was screaming and thrashing arching in Derek's arms. Shaking he heard Derek calling him over and over. "Stiles! Stiles! Stiles!"

Stiles went limp for a few seconds then he reached up gripping Derek's shirt and hoarsely gasped out. "H-hunters... hunters... coming... coming to... kill us..."

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