Training and a Kiss

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He hears the growls and snarls and the sound of fighting. He hears Derek's voice calmly coaching them.

"No. You are being to obvious. You are showing me exactly what you are going to do." There was another snarl and then the sound of someone hitting the ground and groaning.

Stiles peeked around the tree and saw that the wolves were all in a little clearing in the woods and they were... What the hell were they doing?

Boyd ran at Derek and Holy shit Boyds face was all wolfed out. Snarling fangs and side burns and his fingers had razor sharp claws and holy shit that was freaky. Stiles watched as Derek waited till the last second and side stepped Boyd easily and then pushed him in the back causing Boyd to go flying to the ground in a heap.

"Again." Derek spoke and then Erica was on his back suddenly and her fangs were headed for his neck when he threw her forward and flipped her in mid air and she landed rolling into a tree groaning and cursing.

Then suddenly Isaac jumped from a tree down towards Derek and it looked as though Derek hadnt noticed but suddenly he caught Isaac and threw him to the ground. "Youre getting better at least." Derek brushed off his shirt.

"So you came to watch?" Peters voice beside Stiles causes him to flail and let out a unmanly yelp as he suddenly raises his hands in to karate chop style things and faces Peters very unimpressed but amused eyes.

"Oh dear god you scared me to death. Oh uh..." Stiles put his hands down and stood awkwardly. "When scared I turn into a ninja."

"Obviously." Peter raised a brow smirking at him.

Stiles looked from him over to where the others were now watching him.

Dereks eyes were smoldering at him from the middle of the clearing.

Suddenly Erica leapt onto Derek and kissed him as her claws were places right on his neck. Stiles was shocked his mouth open his eyes wide as he saw Derek tense and Erica was kissing Derek when Derek brought his hands up gripped Erica and ripped her off of him and threw her to the ground harder than before and growled down at her his eyes glowing red as he snarled. "NEVER do that again!" Derek turned away from everyone and wiped his mouth and bound off into the woods.

Stiles felt something hot and acidic churning inside him when he had watched that kiss. He didn't like the thought of Derek kissing Erica. Well. It wasn't like he had kissed back. He had thrown the blonde off him. But still. Stiles didn't like it.

"You said to surprise you!" Erica said as she sorely got up to her feet and brushed herself off.

"Teenagers." Peter sighed annoyed as he leaned against a tree beside Stiles. "They always let their hormones lead them when the full moon is close. "

Stiles looked at Peter and asked him. "Uh... Does that mean that wolves have the urge to uh... mate during the full moon?"

Peters eyes flared blue as he looked over to him as he smirked. "You could say that. But older werewolves know how to keep it in check."

"So does that mean Erica wants to mate with Derek? As a female in a pack wouldn't that be natural for her to want to mate with the Alpha?" Stiles asked and suddenly he heard three teens groaning.

"We can all hear you doofus. Super hearing remember?" Erica scoffed.

Stiles blushed as he refused to look away from Peter. Peter just chuckled. "So you have been looking up wolf behavior huh? First off we are werewolves not dogs. And secondly. It is natural yes. But as you can see he rejected her. In full view of the pack. He hasn't courted in years. Im not sure he ever will again..."

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