Chapter 32

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Nicki sat facing Garvin and taking in his grim look. This could not be good.

"So how are they?" She asked hesitantly.

Garvin took in a sharp breath. "Well . . . wow . . . they all seem to have their little issues . . . or well sort of big issues. Um they say very little but from what they say I've gathered that Prodigy and Roc Royal believe strongly that their siblings are going to kill them. I would call it paranoia but it seems that they have reason for their fear. I know this sounds crazy but from what they are telling me it seems that they've actually seen the other children kill someone."

"All of them?" Nicki squeaked. "I know that Ray Ray shot some guys but . . ."

"Wait what? Ray Ray shot some guys? How do you know this?" Garvin asked shocked.

Nicki looked a bit guilty for not telling him. "Prod and Roc told me." She shrugged.

"Nicki I'm sorry to have to tell you this but these kids might be dangerous to you." Garvin said gravely. "They might hurt you."

Nicki gasped. "They would never hurt me! You think you know my kids? 'Cause I think I know my kids better than you do!" Nicki yelled defensively.

"Nicki come on. It's clear that you don't know them as well as you think. If they can kill people then there is nothing stopping them from killing others. You need to consider your safety . . . I'm sure that there are many mental facilities or juvenile detentions that can help -" He was cut off when Nicki slapped him across his face.

"Juvenile detention!" Nicki screamed now on her feet. "I am paying you to fix them Garvin. Do your f****** job!" She screamed louder.

Garvin was taken aback. "I am doing my best but so far we've only had two sessions and they still don't talk much to me. They get emotional and there are eight of them that I have to do in the space of a few hours! I am not a super hero! If you want effective help for them they each need a team around them!!" He was panting. "Jesy completely loathes herself and has apparently done something that made everyone afraid of her! When I press her for more answers she bawls like a newborn which as far as I'm concerned at her age is strange. Do you think it's normal that you have to bounce her like a baby to get her to calm down? And today Jade was unable to put up that little perfect façade. She started CRYING when I asked her to describe what she thinks she is like! Something is clearly wrong with her! Your two younger sons are afraid to live in their own house while your two older sons seem too be able to take on gun men twice their size and win! This is not normal! Perrie has an 'x' shaped scar on her knee that hurts randomly and she refuses to say where it came from and she doesn't even remember anything! Leigh-Anne seems the most normal but I know that's not true with her phobia of adult males and bridges!! They clearly need help Nicki! You need to see this!" Another slap landed on his face and he became quiet. He wasn't going to fight back. Maybe Nicki needed to do this.

"I I know they need help! But can't you SEE that they would be heart broken if I sent them away to some madhouse?" Nicki was crying. "They love me Garvin and I am determined to be here for them! It doesn't matter what they've done as long as they are good on the inside. I know I can help them to be good people and to love each other. I just want to make them happy Garvin! They call me their hero and I am not going to give them up. I trust that they won't hurt me. But I need help to figure them out and I need help to learn how to deal with them. I need you to keep working with them Garvin! PLEASE!"

Garvin groaned. "Fine but I need to work with them daily. I need to be able to observe them being natural. I can't work things out on once a week sessions. There are eight of them Nicki and in order to help them all I need more time."

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