Chapter 61

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After convincing Ming to keep their grandparents busy and unaware, with the rouse that they were in their rooms which actually wasn't unusual, the Pips were looking in the backyard of the home for Prodigy and Roc Royal. While Ray Ray thought that they were not there they still checked to be sure.

"Oh I love extreme hide and seek. It's such a great sport." Perrie commented, earning stares from the others.

"Here Proddy Proddy Proddy, here Rocky Rocky Rocky." Jesy said as she threw pieces of bread around the yard.

"Jesy we've been throught this. They are not ducks." Leigh-Anne said.

"Okay now I'm officially worried." Ray Ray sighed. "Let's go out in the neighbourood and search."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Leigh-Anne asked. She was literal proof of the stranger-danger saying.

"Leigh-Anne this is a f****** rich neighbourhood! No one is gonna kidnap us. I'll kill them first." He started heading for the street. "Come on we don't have all day."

After hours of searching through the neighbourhood they were all frantic. The sun was setting, telling them they'd been searching for over three hours. They were trudging back to the house exhausted.

"I give up! I give up!" Ray Ray was yelling. "We're gonna have to tell Grandma and Grandpa and they're gonna call the police! My bozos are lost in New York! I mean sure we're in the rich part but . . . and Princeton is in the hospital! Something is wrong with Jade! Perrie can't remember!! I give up!" Ray Ray was breathing really hard and fast. "Everything is falling apart! We're all gonna die! And now everything is spinning!"

"Ray breathe! Are you okay?" Leigh-Anne asked, alarmed.

"Why are you all spinning? STOP IT!" Ray Ray screamed as his head lulled dangerously to one side. He dropped to the ground like a bag of cement.

"Oh my God!" Jesy screamed. "He died on us! This is all Prodigy and Roc Royal's faults!"

"Ray! Get up Ray!" Leigh-Anne screached, getting on her knees next to him.

"Ray Ray? This is not the time to be napping silly." Perrie said.

"Ohhh Ray you've got to get up. It's getting dark. We need to get back." Leigh-Anne was mumbling.

"Hmm well it seems that I'll have to take the lead." Jesy stood a little straighter and started looking out at the sunset. They were only about two houses away from their grandparents' house. "PRODIGY AND ROC ROYAL SHOW YOUR ASSES RIGHT NOW!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hey Roc I hear Jesy!" Prodigy's voice came from some bushes between two houses.

The two boys emerged from the bushes and scurried towards their siblings.

"Wow . . ." Jesy said in surprise and disbelief. "I'm just that good." She nodded to herself.

"Oh my God guys! We were hiding from Ray Ray . . ." Roc Royal started.

"Yeah and then we thought a bush was a good hiding spot." Prodigy continued.

"But then we forgot where we were and we were lost." Roc added.

"And we got scared so we stayed put because Ray said if we're ever lost to not move until he can find us." Prod concluded.

Jesy stared at them in disgust. "Well . . . I guess it's clear that you really do need that half a brain cell to split between you." She shook her head and turned to Leigh-Anne who was now giving Ray Ray mouth to mouth although Jesy was sure Leigh-Anne didn't know how to do it.

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