All - Giggly Ball of Punk

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Requested: "Can you do a 4/4 imagine where the boys describe you as a giggly ball of sunshine (#ash) and when you meet them for the first time they are all shocked and stuff because you have a heap of piercings and a few tattoos and you are pretty much more punk rock than all of them and them when you guys all get in a convo you are literally a ball of giggles"


"She's great you guys. I can't wait for you to meet her!" Ashton beamed at the three boys sitting in his living room. You were finally seeing him after a few years of distance. Ashton and you grew up together and were inseparable, but once things picked up with 5 Seconds of Summer, and you decided to study abroad in Italy it became difficult to maintain consistent contact. You two would manage a FaceTime chat here and there along with care packages sent to each other, but your lives were both going at full speed. You were finally able to come back home to Australia for a few weeks on a school break, and you two had arranged to meet. Ashton was ecstatic that you were coming home, and he could finally introduce you to the rest of the boys.

"We get it Ashton. She's amazing. Can you shut up and just let me focus on my game for two seconds?" Michael complained and shifted on the leather couch to get more comfortable managing to kick Luke in the face as he did so.

"Hey!! Watch it!" Luke chuckled and threw Michael's legs off of himself and focused his attention back on Ashton. "So, tell us more about what she's like Ashton." Luke inquired and took a sip of his beer on the coffee table.

"You guys will love her. She's such a sweetheart. She's literally a giggly ball of sunshine. Sh-" Ashton continues, but is interrupted by Calum.

"So, she's basically a female version of you? I don't think I'm going to be able to make it through this evening." Calum laughs and rolls his eyes at an annoyed faced Ashton. "Oh, come on. You know I'm just kidding. Just dial back on your giddiness, and I think we'll all survive."

"Just be nice, okay? I haven't seen her since before we left to tour with One Direction. She was always super shy, and that's why I never pressured her to meet you guys. Please, don't freak her out." Ashton begged the boys, and tossed some money on the coffee table along with a flyer for the local pizza place. "I'll treat everyone to pizza, so you will be extra nice to her. I'm going to call her and see if she's still coming over in a bit. Make sure you guys order a pizza with triple pineapple on it. Y/N loves it, and if any of you eat it before she gets here there will be hell to pay." He jumps up from the couch, and dials your number while walking towards his bedroom listening to the three rowdy boys argue over what toppings to get. He quietly closes his bedroom door, and waits for you to pick up your phone. It continues to ring, and suddenly he hears the doorbell as your phone goes to voicemail. He jogs out from his room to answer the door, and chuckles as he sees the three boys still arguing over what they want to order. He opens the door to find a young woman standing on his doorstep with a few tattoos scattered across her body. She was dressed in a Misfits tank top with skinny jeans tighter than even Luke could manage, and she was shifting her feet nervously in her black combat boots. He looks at her with his face full of confusion.

"Can I help you?" He asks while carefully scanning her body as the realization hits him like a train. The way she quirks her pierced eyebrow up at him in surprise, and bites her bottom lip and plays with a lip ring to suppress a giggle; he knows instantly it has to be Y/N. "Y/N? Y/N?! Is that really you?! You look so different!" He marveled and swooped you up into a bear hug.

"A-Ash, I can't-I can't breathe!! You're suffocating me!" You laugh as he sets you down gently.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously like he has since he was five years old. "Sorry, I was just really excited to finally see you..." He murmurs.

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