4/4 Preference - He Uses Your Boobs as a Pillow

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Luke Hemmings

"I finally got her down." Luke remarks, throwing his body on top of yours on your bed.

"She put up quite the fight tonight, didn't she?" You chuckle softly.

"I didn't think she'd ever fall asleep. For a three month old she sure does have a lot of energy." He groans, maneuvering his body, so his head is resting atop your chest.

"My poor baby." You coo, running your fingers through his hair.

"I'm so tired." He groans, his breath tickling your bare skin.

You let out a slight giggle at his warm breath, his head lifting up slightly, narrowing his eyes.

"What's so funny?"

"Your breath is tickling my boobs." You explain.

"Oh really?" A devious smirk forms on his lips. "So, if I do this, it'll tickle you?" He lets out a few, long breaths against your skin, causing you to go into a fit of giggles.

"Lu! Why don't you just lay down on your pillow?" You suggest, your face flushed from laughter.

"I'm much comfier here, babe." He murmurs, nuzzling his head against your chest again.

"You're lucky I love you so much." You groan, adjusting his head to find a comfier position.

"Love you too, babe. Night." He mumbles through a yawn.

"Goodnight, baby." You hum, running your fingers through his hair again as the two of you drift off to sleep.

Ashton Irwin

You're laying on the couch, reading a book when your boyfriend comes through the front door, a dripping, panting mess.

"Have a nice run, babe?" You ask.

"It was great, but it started to pour on my way back home, and I'm freezing now." Ashton complains, his teeth chattering slightly.

"Go shower, and we can cuddle." You suggest.

Ashton scurries off returning moments later shirtless with just a pair of sweatpants on.

"If you're freezing why would you come out shirtless?" You tease.

"Because then I can do this." Ashton explains, laying on top of your body, resting his head against your boobs.

"You're heavy, Ashton!" You groan.

"But, I want to cuddle, and your boobs make great pillows." He chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter.

"I'm glad that you enjoy my boobs for a pillow, babe, but we have like five hundred pillows in this house, can't you just use one of those?"

"It's not the same! Yours are nice and warm and squishy. Plus, then I can kiss them as much as I want."

"Fine, but please don't drool on me like you do on your pillow."

"Just be quiet, babe. I'm trying to sleep." He whispers playfully.

"You're such a child." You giggle as he nuzzles his head closer to your chest.

"Shhh." He mumbles, his fingers pressing against your lips, soft snores beginning to escape his lips.

Michael Clifford

"Baby!" Michael slurs as he enters your shared bedroom.

"You're home early." You comment. "I thought the boys would keep you out until at least 3."

"T-they said I was too drunk." He hiccups, a loud chuckle escaping his lips. He fumbles with his pants, slipping them off, clumsily climbing atop your body.

"Michael! You're crushing me!"

"Shhhhhh" He whispers.

"Michael" You groan,

"Baby-" Another hiccup escapes his lips, his head falling forward into your cleavage, his body shaking with laughter.

"Y-you're so pretty. Your boobs are so soft, and so smooth. I love them so much. I just want to lay here forever on your boobs." He mumbles.

A giggle slips past your lips at his behavior. "Michael, how drunk are you?"

"Not that m-much." He slurs.

"Michael, I can smell the alcohol dripping from your breath."

"And I can smell the perfume on your boobs." He giggles before nuzzling his face against your chest.

You open your mouth to scold him for getting so drunk, but are cut short when you hear his breathing even out, and a loud snore escape his throat.

"Goodnight my drunken fool." You giggle, kissing the top of his head before pulling the duvet over the both of you.

Calum Hood

"How was your game?" You ask as Calum steps out of the bathroom joining you on your shared bed.

"It was great. We won 20-0, if you want to even call that a game." He chuckles.

"Good job, babe! You look exhausted, wanna cuddle?"

"My favorite way to end the day." He hums, curling into your side, resting his head on your chest.

"You're crushing my boob, Cal." You pout.

"But they're so comfy." He pushes his bottom lip out, giving you his big, brown, puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Just lay on both of them instead of one or you're going to flatten my left boob." You tease.

"Works for me." Calum chuckles, laying his whole body on top of yours, nuzzling his head in your cleavage.

You play with the hair at the nape of his neck, listening to his content hums.

"Your boobs are so great. I love your boobs."

"They are pretty great, aren't they?" You giggle.

"So modest." Calum teases.

"Take a nap, baby. You need some rest after that win today." You continue to play with his hair, twisting his curls between your fingers.

"Maybe I can have another win after?" He smirks, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sounds like a plan. Now get some rest." You smile, kissing his lips quickly before he nuzzles his head against your chest.

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