Calum - I Think We Need to Talk

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Summary: Calum tells you he wants to break up with you and then realizes his mistake.


"I think we need to talk."

Those six little words were like a bullet to your chest. You feel your throat tighten a bit, and as you gently close the door behind you you see Calum sitting on your living room couch. He looks beaten down with his wrinkled clothes, his face scruffy, hair a disheveled mess as if he has been running his hands through it, and his eyes have deep purple bags underneath them, a large difference to the normally bubbly man child you've grown to fall in love with.

"W-what about?" You stutter before sitting beside him on the couch.

You can't help but notice how he scoots away from you slightly, causing you to wince as you feel your heart break a little more.

"Us." He mutters avoiding your gaze.

"What about us?" You tremble.

He looks up at you and meets your gaze. You can't help but get lost in his deep brown eyes. There's something different though. His eyes look lost and empty. You always loved Calum's eyes, because they made you feel safe and happy. They made you think of home, but as you stare into his eyes now it's like looking at a stranger. There is no safety. No happiness. No home. They're dark, solemn and you want to look away, but you can't, because you want to find the boy you fell in love with. You want to pull him from whatever darkness is holding him captive in there.

"We need to break up." He states nonchalantly.

"W-why?" You stammer.

"Y/N, please, don't make this difficult. We both knew it was coming. We're two strangers now. We grew apart while I was gone. It's better to just end this now than continue to carry on as though we're fine." He watches you carefully waiting for your reaction.

You knew this was coming. You haven't seen the Calum Hood you fell in love with since he left for tour six months ago.

"I'll let you keep the place, and I'll find somewhere new." He adds.

A cynical laugh erupts from your throat as you stare at him in disbelief.

"That's all?"

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"We've been together for five years, and this is how it's going to end? 'I changed on tour, so bye.' We were going to get married! I waited for you!" You fume, balling your fists up to suppress your anger.

"I'm sorry." He shrugs.

You lose it at his answer and jump up from the couch. "You know it wasn't just hard on you while you were on tour! I had to handle everything on my own! I didn't have my best friend by my side when I needed him! I had to deal with the hate and the cheating rumors when you'd be spotted at a club! You say we both changed well I'm so sorry that I changed, but I had to! I had to grow thicker skin, and I had to learn to take care of myself all on my own!" You snap.

Calum quickly jumps up from the couch and towers over you. You stare into his eyes, and you search for any sign of the Calum you used to know, but all you see is anger and pain swimming in his dark brown eyes.

"I didn't ask you to stay by my side while I was gone! I could've had so much more fun without you whining about how much you missed me!" He roars.

"Get out! Get out now!" You hiss angrily. You stomp to the front door and hold it wide open for him. "I said get the hell out now!" You scream.

Calum looks at you for a moment and you swear you see a flicker of regret in his eyes, but it quickly passes when he grabs his keys and walks out the door. You slam the door angrily and slide down clutching your chest fighting for a breath through the tears cascading down your flushed cheeks.

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