Calum - Forced Marriage

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Summary: Calum and you are both famous musicians, and you're forced to get married for a publicity stunt.


You groan as you step into the elevator, taking a sip from your coffee. You watch the numbers light up as the elevator stops on your desired floor. You walk down the hallway, stopping once you reach the conference room your manager told you to meet her in. You open the door, furrowing your eyebrows when you see Calum Hood sitting on the other side of the table with his manager.

"Sorry, I must have the wrong room." You mumble embarrassedly.

"Y/N! Darling! Good you're here!" Your manager exclaims as she greets you at the door. "Come in, come in!"

"Why's he here?" You ask, glancing in Calum's direction quickly.

"You'll find out soon, dear." Your manager reassures.

You sit down across from Calum, who looks just as confused as you feel, a slight pout forming on his plump lips as he looks from your manager to his.

"We've called the both of you in here today, because we have a proposition for the both of you. We want the two of you to get married, because we really believe it'll boost sales for the both of you."

"What?!" The two of you shout in unison.

"We know it's not the most ideal situation, but this has to happen. You'll both be dropped if it doesn't happen. It doesn't have to be permanent, but as long as it lasts for a few months and then we'll have it annulled and it'll be like it never even happened." Calum's manager explains, shrugging as he watches the both of you.

You sit back in your chair, unable to form any words. Your mind is going crazy at this information. You can't believe they're actually suggesting they'll drop the both of you if you don't agree. They knew Calum and you had dated and were serious for years, but the two of you ended it because of conflicting schedules. They couldn't actually expect the both of you to marry and act like a married couple for any amount of time, could they?

"Okay." Calum mumbles, his jaw clenched tightly.

"W-what?" You stutter.

"It's not like we're total strangers." He shrugs.

You shake your head in disbelief.

"Is this for real?" You ask incredulously, raising your brows in annoyance and confusion.

"I'm afraid so." Your manager smiles sadly. "So, are you in or no?"

"I don't really have much of a choice, now do I?" You retort, folding your arms across your chest.

"Alright, well we have everything we need here already, so we're just going to tell the public that you eloped, so we just need your signatures here and here." They hand you each some papers, showing you where to sign.

Calum signs the papers quickly, eyeing you as your small hands shake slightly when you begin to sign them.

"Y/N, it's not that big of a deal." He mumbles.

You scoff, rolling your eyes at his nonchalant attitude as you sign the last line, handing the forms back to your manager.

"All right, congratulations! The two of you are married!"

"Are you kidding me? That's it?" You sneer.

"Yes, now you two will decide whose place you want to move into for the time being."

"We'll stay at my place." Calum states.

"Alright, well that's all we needed from the two of you then!"

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