Michael - Giggly Ball of Punk Part Three

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You and Michael had been sneaking around for a few months. It was a lot trickier than you ever imagined, but you were beyond nervous to tell Ashton that you were dating one of his best mates. You were unsure of how he would feel about two of his favorite people dating. Michael had been urging you for days that the two of you needed to tell him before he found out accidentally and would be upset that you neglected to include him in such an important aspect of your lives.

"Whatcha thinking about princess?" Michael hums against your skin.

He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you tight against his bare chest. You nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck, and he pulls the blankets further over your intertwined bodies.

"Having to tell Ashton." You groan.

Michael just chuckles and runs the pad of his thumb along your arm gently.

"You're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be, princess."

"I am not! I grew up with him, and I might as well be his little sister, and I'm dating one of his best mates! Do you see that going remotely well in any way?"

"He's just going to be happy that we're both happy." He assures you.

You bury your face further against his skin and groan.

"I'm having sex with one of his bandmates. He's going to be so pissed at me."

Michael smirks. "At least he knows you're being taken care of."

"MICHAEL!" You exclaim and hit his chest.

"I'm kidding, babe!"

"You aren't helping my nerves!"

Michael gently grabs your chin and tilts your head up so you're looking into his green eyes. He presses a chaste kiss to your forehead and smiles softly.

"Y/N, listen to me, princess. Ashton isn't going to be angry. He isn't going to hate you. He loves you so much. You don't have anything to worry about, okay? If anything I should be worried, because I'm dating someone he's so protective of. Yeah, maybe he'll be a little weirded out at first, because it's two people he cares about, but if anything he'll be even happier, because he'll see how much I love you and how hap-"

You feel a blush creep across your cheeks and a smile forms on your lips at his confession. "You-you love me?"

He smiles shyly and rubs his thumb against your cheek. "Well, yeah, of course."

"I love you too, Michael."

You kiss him softly and memorize the way his lips feel against yours, slightly chapped mixing perfectly with your silky smooth lips. His lips fit yours perfectly as though they were made to do just this, and every time you kiss him you swear to yourself you could do this forever.

"I'm ready to tell him." You whisper against his lips.

He pulls back slightly, and looks at you with furrowed brows.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you, princess."

"I'm 100% sure. He loves me, and I can't keep this from him. He needs to know about us. I love you, and if he really cares about us then he'll be happy that we're happy together.

Michael presses his lips against yours and you can feel him grinning.

"Should we get ready to go over? Calum is supposed to be picking Luke up from the airport by noon, so we can tell him before the other two get there." He suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." You mumble against his skin as you wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly.

"You do realize you have to let me go in order for this plan to happen, right?"

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