Luke - He Has a Nightmare

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Summary: Luke has a nightmare that you leave him leading to him becoming extra clingy afterwards.


Luke jolts up from his sleep, a cold sweat drenching his entire body. His hands immediately go to your side of the bed, blindly reaching out for your soft skin, eyebrows furrowing in confusion when his hands are met with cold sheets, a sign that you've been gone for some time. He reaches over to turn on his lamp, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjust to the sudden light flooding the room, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees your side of the bed empty.

His nightmare begins to replay in his head. The images of you packing your suitcase and walking out the door without so much as a second glance at the disheveled Luke leaning against the front doorway, struggling to keep himself upright as he watches his entire world slip away. His heart rate quickens as he hops out of the bed searching frantically for you.

He peeks his head inside of your ensuite bathroom, a sigh escaping his lips when he sees it's empty. He pads down the hallway, quickly peering into the kitchen, another sigh leaving his pink lips as he sees the room is also empty. On his way to the living room he checks the bowl the two of you keep by the front door, a breath of relief leaves his lungs when he sees your car keys and wallet still in the bowl. His strides become quicker as he heads towards the living room, a small smile of relief on his face when he sees you curled up on the couch with a book in your hands.

"Lu?" You ask, furrowing your eyes as you make out the shadowy figure in the corner.

"Hey princess." He whispers, plopping down beside you on the couch, pulling you onto his lap.

"What are you doing up, Luke? It's almost 4. You have a meeting at 9. You need your sleep."

He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. You place your fingers in his unruly hair and slowly comb through his bedhead.

"I woke up and you were gone." He mumbles against your skin.

"That hasn't stopped you before." You chuckle, the vibrations slightly shaking Luke as he buries his head further into your neck. "You know when my insomnia gets really bad that I prefer to read in the living room, so that way I don't bother you."

"I was afraid." He murmurs, his fingers playing with the hem of your sweatshirt nervously.

"Did you have a nightmare, babe?" You ask gently.

He nods his head, wrapping his arms around you tighter and pulls the blanket further up your bodies.

"Can we just sleep, princess?"

"Sure" You answer, pulling his body so the two of you are pressed against each other on the couch. Luke's breathing eventually lulling you to sleep.

He watches your sleeping form, admiring the way your chest rises and falls with each breath, how your eyebrows will furrow every once in awhile, the way you purse your lips and sometimes let out a quiet giggle or soft smile. He can't seem to fall back to sleep, because every time he closes his eyes he sees that image of you leaving, and his whole world feels like it comes crashing down. Before he knows it the sun begins to creep through the curtains and you stir in your sleep, gently grabbing ahold of Luke's t-shirt and squeeze it tightly to keep yourself from falling. Luke smiles, because even in your sleep you always know to reach out to him for safety. He grabs your hips, pulling your body on top of his softly so as not to wake you from your slumber. He watches your eyelids flutter open, blinking confusedly as you take in your surroundings. You rest your chin on his chest, flashing him a sleepy smile.

"Good morning" You greet in a sleepy voice.

"Morning, princess." He beams, stretching forward to kiss your forehead softly.

"What time is it?" You ask, a small yawn escaping your lips as you sit up to stretch.

"A quarter to 8."

Your eyes widen, quickly throwing on a sweatshirt Luke left hanging over the couch.

"Let me go make you some breakfast, so you can have a proper meal before you have to leave."

"You don't have to, princess. I can just pick up something at the coffee shop." He shrugs, reaching out to pull you back onto the couch.

"Luke, just let me make you breakfast. I love having breakfast with you. It starts my day off right." You explain, wiggling free from his grasp and jogging to the kitchen.

"Y/N" Luke whines as he follows you into the kitchen.

"Luke" You mimic, a playful smile spreading across your face.

"I just want to cuddle with you." He groans, wrapping his arms around your waist as you stand in front of the stove.

"Luke, remove your hands." You order, slapping them lightly with the spatula.

"Ow! Hey!" He pouts.

You roll your eyes before focusing back on the food you now have in the frying pan. "I told you."

Luke doesn't say anything, just watches you with puppy dog eyes and a pout the size of Texas across his face.

"What's up with you?" You ask, turning the stovetop off, and focusing your attention on him.

"I just want to cud-"

"No, I get that, okay. I know you love to cuddle, but even last night you were extra clingy after you came downstairs. Why?" You deadpan.

"I just want to spend time with my girl, is that so wrong?" He murmurs, looking intently at the floor.

"No, but there is something wrong with you lying to me."

"I had a nightmare you left! Okay? It was extremely vivid, and every time I close my eyes I see you leaving through that damn door, and not giving a single shit that you're leaving me! I keep seeing you okay without m-" He chokes on his words as a loud sob bubbles up from his throat.

"Oh Lu" You coo, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him tightly against you as he sobs into your shoulder. "Hey, look at me." You order, pulling back slightly, you wipe away the tear stains from his cheeks, caressing his cheeks with the pads of your thumbs as you stare into his blue irises that are more grey with sadness than his usual summertime blue. "That would never happen, okay? I love you so much, and I can't even imagine my life without you. You're it for me, okay? I've known that since our first date, and nothing is going to change my mind."

"I love you, and you're it for me too, princess." He whispers against your lips before pressing his soft lips against yours, quiet 'I love you's' being exchanged throughout the kiss, tapping your thigh gently to get you to jump as he carries you upstairs, never once breaking the contact of your lips.

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