4/4 Preference - He Finds out You're Ticklish

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Luke Hemmings

"Are you sure you want to do this, princess?" Luke asks for the millionth time.

"Yes." You groan and roll your eyes. "I'm a big girl. I promise I can handle it."

After months of begging your boyfriend, Luke, to give you a tattoo he had finally caved. That morning he had agreed to finally give you the tattoo you wanted. You nearly choked on your coffee when he told you; so after you assured him it was still what you wanted you raced to get dressed, and now the two of you were in his studio. You shift around nervously in the chair and Luke gives you a stern look.

"Sorry!" You whimper.

"Just hold still, okay, babe? I need to clean the area, and I can't have you squirming all over."

He lifts your shirt up a bit to see your ribs before he grabs a cotton pad and dabs some cleansing solution on it and presses it against your skin. You let out a quiet hiss at the sudden cold and glare at him.

"I'm sorry, princess, but I have to clean it." He shrugs and moves the pad around the area before you begin to wiggle away from his touch. "Babe! I told you to stay still!" He huffs annoyed.

"I'm sorry! I promise I'll stay still now. You just caught me off guard."

He continues to rub the pad around your skin, and you let out a loud giggle and squirm away from his touch once again. Luke takes the pad away and sets it down before taking his gloves off and running his hands over his face frustratedly before looking up at you with a devious smirk on his face.

"Is my little princess, ticklish?" He raises an eyebrow and moves closer to you trapping you in the chair.

"M-maybe." You gulp.

"Well," He smirks with an evil glint in his eye. "It would be a shame if I were to do this then wouldn't it?" He chuckles darkly before placing his calloused fingertips against your soft skin.

"D-don't, Luke." You narrow your eyes at him.

"Oh, princess, you don't scare me." He grins and leans closer to you with his lips lingering so close to yours you can feel his hot breath. He presses his lips against yours and at the same moment begins to tickle your sides. He swallows your giggles before pulling away and continuing his assault on your sides.

"Lu-Luke! Stop!" You breath out between laughs and turn your head from side to side.

"Only if you admit I was right!"

"Never!" You tease, instantly regretting your answer as his fingers begin to move faster against your sides.

"I can keep this up all day, baby girl. I don't have a single appointment."

"Luke!" You scream, thrashing your body around in the tight chair.

"Just admit it, and I'll stop!" He grins deviously.

"Fine! You were right! I wasn't ready for this!" You huff out annoyed.

His fingers stop and he smiles down at you like a child in a candy store. He brings his hand to your face and pushes the hair away that fell onto your face from your fit. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"I love you, Y/N, but I can't believe I never knew you were this ticklish." He shakes his head incredulously.

"Because I knew you'd hold it against me." You narrow your eyes at him.

Luke chuckles at your comment and helps you up from the chair.

"If you want we can put it somewhere else that you won't be as ticklish." He suggests.

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