All - New Kids

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Requested: Anonymous - "Could you do a AU imagine where they are the new kids at your school and you need to show them around and help them in classes and stuff?"


You walk down the hallway of your school excited to meet the new student you will be helping around today. Ever since you moved during the middle of your freshman year you've volunteered at your school to help new students learn the ins and outs of your school. You loved the program, because it helped you come out of your shell and meet so many unique people, and was in fact the reason you had met so many of your close friends. You finally reach the principal's office where you always pick up your new student, but stop dead in your tracks when you see four boys standing in her office. You assume she's in a meeting, because there's no way you're expected to help around all four boys. You notice two jock looking boys. One with floppy golden curls hanging loosely on his forehead, immensely defined arms showcased very nicely in his Chicago Bulls jersey with his toned legs in black skin tight skinny jeans. The other has a soccer jersey on showing his tan skin littered with tattoos. His jawline is so chiseled you swear he can't be a day younger than 25. You notice a pale boy with jet black hair with a few colored strips wearing a Metallica shirt showcasing his tattoos along his arms. He has black, ripped skinny jeans with untied combat boots. Lastly you see a tall, thin, blonde boy with a lip piercing, wearing black rimmed glasses, black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. They all turn around as they notice your presence and the one with the soccer jersey gives you a flirtatious smirk causing you to look down bashfully.

"Uh, s-so sorry Mrs. Smith. I-I thought you wanted me to meet the new student. I didn't meant to int-"

"It's okay, Y/N." She smiles softly, and waves you into her office. "These are the new students that you'll be helping around actually. I couldn't get any of the other volunteers to help, so I need you to take on more than just one student this time. I hope that's okay."

"Of course." You smile politely.

She turns her body towards the four boys and claps her hands together with a smile on her face. "Okay, boys. This is Y/N Y/L/N. She is a senior here, so you'll all have similar classes together, and she's been a volunteer for this group since her freshman year, so you're with one of the best!"

The boys look at you simultaneously and you feel yourself shrink from their intense gazes.

"H-Hi." You stutter.

"Hi there Y/N. I'm Calum, and this here is Ashton, that's Michael, and that tall one over there is Luke." He outstretches his hand for you to shake, and you can't help but notice the smirk that forms across his lips when your hands meet and the way he hesitates to let go.

"Okay, well since you're all acquainted you are dismissed! Welcome to our school, boys! If you have any questions don't be shy!" Mrs. Smith chirps before shooing the five of you from her office.

"Okay, so what do your schedules look like?" You look at each boy only receiving shrugs in response except from Luke.

"Here's mine." He awkwardly hands you his schedule while playing with his lip ring nervously.

"Okay, so your first class is AP Calculus, so you'll be in hall 200. What about the rest of you?" You quirk an eyebrow up annoyed at their lack of preparedness no matter how attractive they are.

"It's the green slip in the folder you guys." Luke mumbles.

"Oh!" The three boys chime in unison.

You look at Luke and receive a sympathetic eye roll causing you to let out a slight giggle.

"Looks like Michael and I have the same music class." Ashton comments.

"I have soccer practice first." Calum adds.

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