4/4 Preference - Giving Their Kid(s) a Bath

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Luke Hemmings

"Evan! Bath time!" Luke calls out.

You soon see your four year old son run by your office, clad in just a pair of Spiderman boxer briefs. You chuckle as you see Luke chase after him before hearing a loud crash. You sigh, closing your laptop before you investigate the noise. You find Luke laying on the floor, holding his head as your son runs by again, butt naked this time, giggling as he zooms past the two of you.

"You okay, Luke?" You ask, crouching down to inspect where his hand is covering his head.

"I'm fine, Y/N. I've got this. Don't worry, you can go back to your work." He reassures, wincing slightly when you touch the forming bruise on his head.

"How about I help you? I know how difficult bath time can be with Evan. I do this all the time when you're on tour."

Luke pouts, sitting up slightly. "I wanted to be able to do it on my own. You do it all the time, so why can't I?"

"Because I've gotten used to it. In all honesty when you first left for tour Evan's bath time consisted of maybe wiping his body down with a wet one, because I couldn't get him into the tub." You chuckle at the memory.

"So, it's not just me?" He asks with a hopeful tone.

You nod, a soft smile gracing your lips. "Not just you." You stretch out your hand, helping him up. "So, should we go wrangle our little boy into the tub?" You ask.

"You take the left, and I'll take the right." Luke explains, kissing your cheek quickly before heading to the right.

Ashton Irwin

"Are you sure about this, Y/N? Maybe she's too young to be in the regular bathtub." Ashton worries, his brows scrunching together tightly.

"Ashton, the doctor told us she's old enough for this. Just hold onto her, and don't let her ears get any water in them." You explain, handing him your tiny baby girl as he adjusts himself in the tub.

You watch in awe as Ashton carefully scoops water on her back, slowly warming her up to the feeling. A small squeak escapes her lips causing Ashton to shoot you a skeptical glance.

"She's okay, babe. Just hold her in your palms and lay her back on the water, and I'll wash her hair."

He follows your orders, slowly submerging her small body in the water, carefully watching that her ears don't go under. You grab the baby wash cloth as you apply a pea size amount of shampoo into her hair, using the wash cloth to help gently wash the soap out. A small cry escapes her lips from the sudden touch. Ashton quickly rubs his thumbs along her skin to calm her, whispering gently to her as you finish washing her hair and petite body.

"Alright, you can hold her back to your chest if you want, and I'll grab her towel and pjs." You smile, turning around to grab the items from the counter.

Your smile softens as you watch Ashton with your baby girl. The wide smile on his lips as he kisses her face repeatedly, whispering to her about how much he loves her. His cheeks tint slightly pink when he realizes you're watching him.

"I just love her so much. She reminds me so much of you, and I just want to keep her safe. I love the two of you so much."

"We love you too, Ash. Now how about we get the both of you dried off and dressed, and have cuddle time with bedtime stories?"

"Sounds perfect, baby."

Michael Clifford

"Are you sure she won't remember any of this?" Michael asks for the millionth time.

"Yes, Mikey. She's barely 1, okay she won't remember taking a bath with her daddy. Now just hold her still for me, so I can wash her hair, please?"

He nods, holding her by her squishy sides as she excitedly slaps the water.

"Someone's happy to have a bath, aren't they princess?" You coo, trying to distract her as you gently wet her hair and lather the shampoo in.

She turns her head to look back at Michael, a goofy grin appearing on her ruby red lips.

"Hi princess." He smiles, his grin matching that of his baby girl's. "Are you being a good girl for us while mommy washes your hair?" He hands her a rubber ducky just as you pour a small amount of water over the back of her head, instantly throwing the rubber ducky at Michael's face as a loud scream emits from her lips.

"Ow!" He whines, squinting one eye as he looks at you.

"Are you okay?" You bite your lip to fight back your giggles as he continues to struggle opening his wounded eye.

"She hit me in the eye!" He complains, blinking rapidly as he opens the eye.

"Yeah, she'll do that when it's time to wash her hair." You shrug.

"You don't even care that I'm wounded!" He pouts.

You roll your eyes, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against the side of his eye before kissing his lips.

"All better?"

"I think I need one more kiss." He grins. "Don't you agree, princess?" He looks down at your little girl who looks at the two of you with teary eyes.

You shake your head, quickly kissing him again. "No more until she's in bed." You order.

"Alright, I think you're clean enough, don't you princess? Time for bed!" He grins, lifting her tiny body from the tub as he reaches for her towel.

Calum Hood

"Kennedy! Stop splashing your brother!" Calum orders.

"No! Avery don't throw that out of the tub!" He groans.

You stand in the doorway, chuckling softly as you watch Calum try to bathe your twins.

"Need help, love?" You ask.

His head whips around at the sound of your voice, a relieved look appearing on his features at your sudden presence.

"Please" He begs. "I don't know how you do this on your own when I'm not home."

"Practice makes perfect." You chuckle, bumping his hip with yours as you sit beside him outside the tub. "The secret is you don't bathe them both at once." You whisper quietly as though you're telling him the most important secret of all time.

"I thought this would be quicker." He shrugs.

"And how long have you three been in here?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Forty-five minutes." He mumbles.

"Exactly. Now you wash Avery and I'll wash Kennedy, and we can be out of here within five minutes."

You grab the baby shampoo, lathering it in your hands before applying it on Kennedy's head. You watch Calum from the corner of your eye as he struggle to get the body wash open. You reach over, popping the cap open, smirking victoriously as he scowls.

"Don't be angry just because I'm the queen of bath time."

Calum opens his mouth to say something only to be cut off as Avery splashes him. You can't help the laugh that escapes your lips as Calum's upper body is now drenched.

"It isn't funny!" He groans.

"Yes it is!"

"Avery, splash mommy!" Calum orders, grinning widely when Avery splashes towards you, soaking your upper body as well.

"Calum!" You hiss.

Calum shrugs, focusing his attention back on getting his child clean. "Don't mess with the king of pranks."

"You're such a child." You mumble.

"But you love your adorable man child." He grins, kissing your lips quickly before returning his attention back to your children.

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