Michael - Giggly Ball of Punk Part Two

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It had been a month since you had first met the other boys. Ashton had called you the next morning going on and on about how much they all loved you. Since then you were always hanging out with them. It was great to come back home and make new friends. You knew it meant a lot to Ashton that you got along with his three best friends. You were on your way over to Michael's place, because you had all agreed on a movie night at his house. You had a small crush on Michael ever since your first encounter with him. He just had this quality about him that captured your interest. You figured he wouldn't feel the same way about you, so you hadn't acted on it. You pulled into Michael's driveway just as there was a loud thunderclap and suddenly it started to pour. You groaned, and put your purse above your head hoping to shield it from some of the rain. When you reached the front door you started to knock impatiently, because the storm was picking up, and you didn't want to be struck by lightning. Suddenly the door opens, and Michael pulls you inside.

"Y/N, you're soaked!" He stated while looking you up and down.

"Thank you captain obvious!" You responded while giggling.

"I-uh let me get you some clothes to change into. One second." He mutters before running off to his bedroom. He returns a few moments later with a pair of black boxers, grey sweatpants, and a Misfits t-shirt. "The bathroom is right down there to the left. You can change in there if you'd like." He smiles as you grab the clothes from him.

"Thank you so much, Mikey." You give him a friendly peck on the cheek, and scurry off to the bathroom to change. You come back out to find Michael relaxing on the couch in the living room. You plop down next to him and smile.

"So, when are the other boys getting here?" You ask.

"They actually called while you were in the bathroom. Ashton said they're stuck at his place, because of the storm. They don't want to risk driving in the weather, so it looks like it's just us tonight." He looks at you, and you can't tell if he likes this idea or not.

"Oh." You mutter. "I can leave. I'm sure the weather isn't that bad. I could probably make it back home before it gets too bad." You start to get up, but Michael grabs your hand and looks into your eyes.

"No, Y/N. Please, stay. You can sleepover. It's fine. I don't want to worry about you driving back home." He remarks. He rubs his thumb over your hand gently sending a thousand butterflies to go crazy in your stomach.

"Okay, thanks Michael. So, what are we watching tonight?" You scoot closer to him and smile.

"I-uh I was going to let you choose." He looks down at you and rubs the back of his neck.

"How about we watch "Blended"?" You suggest and he just chuckles at your eager expression.

He grabs the remote and tosses it to you. "Sure, whatever you want princ-" He stops himself and coughs to hide his pet name for you.

"Did you just call me "princess"?" You can't help the smile spreading across your lips.

"I-uh what? No. Of course not." He stammered out. He quickly got up and went into the kitchen without another word.

You sat there in bewilderment waiting for him to return. After a few moments he came back with some snacks and sat down leaving a few feet of space between the two of you.

"You can play it whenever you want." He mumbles still not meeting your gaze. He placed the snacks on the coffee table in front of you two.

You start the movie, and don't say a word as he opens a bag of Doritos. You grab a water from the table and slowly take a sip of it. You look at Michael from the corner of your eye to find him staring intently at the TV. You don't understand why he got so bent out of shape all because he simply was going to call you "princess." Suddenly a great bolt of lightning lit up the living room and a booming thunderclap followed. You jumped into Michael's lap in fear and buried your face in his shirt.

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