All - #Y/NDrenched5SOS

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Requested: "Can you please do an imagine where you are on tour with they guys coz yall are best friends and like you've just been lounging around all day in a pair of stockings and one of the boys flannels because you were up all night because of online school or something and they ask is keeking you or something when you fall asleep with your legs on luke and head on calum while all the boys are gaming"


You were exhausted. You had been up for a straight 48 hours due to school. Your mom agreed to let you go on tour with your best friends on the condition that you would keep up with your studies in an online program. So far it had been one of the best experiences of your life. You got to see the world with your four best friends while they were doing what they loved. What more could you ask for? The hectic schedule along with jet lag was starting to take its toll on you though. You had your final exams coming up in a few days, and you had been studying every free moment you had. The boys were even helping you study. Well, Luke was helping you study. The other three tried, but eventually gave up, because they didn't understand the material one bit. The boys understood how important your studies were, so they decided to take the day off from exploring the new city they were in, so you could just unwind for a day before you had your exams.

"What are you guys up to?" You questioned while flopping into the space between Calum and Luke. You looked at the TV screen in front of you, and noticed their eyes were all practically glued to the screen. "Hello? Guys?? Am I suddenly invisible?" You whined and threw your legs onto Luke's lap in frustration.

"Hmm?" Luke mutters but refuses to look away from the screen.

"I thought we were going to watch movies, and just be lazy?" You groaned and reached for the remote to turn the TV off. Michael saw your hand reaching from the corner of his eye and quickly swatted the remote away from your grasp.

"Fine. I'm just going to catch up on my sleep then." You mumble, and lay your head on Calum's shoulder. At first he acts as if you aren't there, but then he adjusts, so you can rest comfortably. You smile to yourself, because even when they're so focused in their game he at least makes sure you're comfortable. After you situate yourself more comfortably you doze off to the sounds of the boys muttering about their game, and accusing one another of cheating.

"I'm hungry, how about you guys?" Ashton questioned. The three boys muttered their agreements and suggested ordering a pizza.

"How about you, Y/N? What do you want?" Ashton asked only to be met by silence. He looked over at your sleeping form with your legs still on Luke's lap, and your head which had slipped down to Calum's lap. He chuckled to himself and looked at the other boys. "How long has she been out?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I thought she was just being quiet, because she was angry we were finishing our game before watching her movie choices." Calum replied. Luke gave a nod and Michael suddenly gasped.

"SHE'S WEARING MY FAVORITE FLANNEL AGAIN!" Michael groaned only to be met with the back of Ashton's hand on his head.

"Oi! Shut it! She's tired. Plus, she looks much better in that flannel than you." Ashton smirked. Suddenly his eyes lit up and a mischievous grin etched its way onto his face. He slipped his phone from his pocket, and opened his Keek app. "Hello everyone! Our dear friend, Y/N has been exhausted from studying for finals, and we finished our game to find her passed out on Luke and Calum. Should we give her a proper wake up call, boys?" He giggles and the other three boys nod in agreement. Ashton and Michael moved closer to the three of you on the couch. Ashton moved the camera closer towards your face and started laughing. "She's drooling all over your thigh Calum!" Calum groaned and Ashton whispered something into Michael's ear and he took off running into the bathroom coming back with a bucket of ice cold water. "Okay, on the count of three dump the water onto her and Calum and Luke jump up, so you'll be out of the way.

You woke up when Ashton had been shoving the camera into your face to catch your drooling episode. You knew what he was planning, and you smirked to yourself, because for once you had the upper hand.

"One, two thr-" Ashton began and before he got to the count of three you jumped off the couch and tackled Ashton. You heard Luke and Calum scream, because Michael had dumped the water on them. In their moment of confusion when you escaped they forgot to jump up themselves. You snatched Ashton's phone and smiled into the camera. "And, that is why you never promise a girl a movie marathon and then ditch her for gaming only to try and prank her while she's resting. You show the drenched boys quickly before smiling at the camera and giving a quick wink before stopping the video and sending it out to all of the boys' social media sites.

"You're so mean Y/N!" Calum exclaimed and ran towards you. "Come here! Let me hug you! You can't escape!" He laughed and you took off running only to be met by Luke towering over you and suddenly you were engulfed by the two boys, and you could feel the wetness seeping through Michael's flannel.

"Stop! That's MY shirt!" Michael groaned, but everyone just laughed at him.

"Maybe now you'll watch my movies with me!" You suggest as the boys leave to go change their wet clothes.

"Y/N, the fans are freaking out over you." Luke chuckles as he walks back into the room toweling off his damp hair.

"What do you mean?" You quirk an eyebrow up at him.

"Well, #Y/NDrenched5SOS is trending on all of our sites. They love what you did!" He laughs and you can't help but giggle. You didn't even think of that. You had just wanted to beat the boys at their own game.

Suddenly your phone starts to blow up, and you check your Twitter to see the boys had all said something about your little prank on them.

"@Luke5SOS: @Y/T/N may have outsmarted us this time, but payback will happen when she least expects it."

"@Calum5SOS: Watch your back, @Y/T/N."

"@Michael5SOS: I will seek revenge for my flannel @Y/T/N."

"@Ashton5SOS: Four against one. Watch out, @Y/T/N."

You laugh to yourself and send out a quick tweet in reply to the boys dramatics. "@Y/T/N: @5SOS, bring it on you little Kangaroos."

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