Luke - Groupies

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Requested: Anonymous - "Can I maybe have a imagine about you seeing a video of Luke making out with another girl and you realize he's got s lot of groupies so you leave him but then you kinda talk and then yeah make out session at the end?"


You open your Twitter app, lazily going through your notifications when a certain tweet catches your attention.

"@Y/T/N Have you seen this video yet? I can't believe Luke would do this to you."

You furrow your brows, playing the video. You frown as you see it's of Luke kissing another girl. Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach more and more as you scroll through your notifications.

"@Y/T/N I hope you leave his ass. You deserve so much better."

"@Y/T/N Why is everyone upset with Luke? Y/N knew groupies came along with his job."

Tears begin to form in your eyes as you throw your phone on the other side of your bed in anger. You crawl under your covers, eventually crying yourself to sleep.

A loud pounding on the door startles you awake, you slip on a sweatshirt as you sleepily walk to the door. When you open it you find a smiling Luke holding a bag of Chinese food and your favorite movie in his other hand.

"Hey baby girl!" He beams, stepping forward with his lips puckered to kiss you only to be stopped as you begin to shut the door on him. "Wait, what's going on? What did I do?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

You scoff, crossing your arms across your chest as you narrow your eyes at him.

"What did you do? Are you kidding me?"

"No? I thought we were going to have a movie night, hence the items I have." He shakes the food bag slightly to show you.

"Go away, Luke." You order.

"No, you at least have to tell me what I did to be turned away by you." He demands.

"I don't want to see you." You mumble.

"Well too bad." He pushes the door open further allowing himself in; he sets the food and movie down on the coffee table before turning his attention towards you. "Now tell me what I did wrong, please. I can't fix anything if I don't know what I did wrong, baby girl."

"Don't call me that." You hiss, biting your lip to suppress your oncoming tears.

Luke walks up to you, rubbing your arms gently. You pull away quickly, noticing a pained look on his face.

"Y/N, please. I need to know what I did wrong, please." He begs, his voice cracking at the end.

"You're really going to play dumb?"

"Play dumb about what?" He asks exasperatedly, tugging on his hair in frustration.

"You cheated on me, Luke! How could you?!" Your voice shakes at the end as a few tears slip past your eyes, quickly wiping them away to keep up your strong facade.

"Y-you think I cheated on you?" He stammers.

"I don't think you did I saw you. I saw the video, Luke! I saw you at the club from last night when you were making out with some girl! Did you really think I wouldn't find out? I shouldn't have to find out from your fans tweeting me the video! You should've had the balls to come clean, and then just maybe we could've worked this out!" You fume, clenching your fists at your sides.

"I didn't cheat on you, baby girl! I swe-"

"I said don't call me that!" You scream.

"Y/N" Luke says calmly. "Listen to me, okay? I didn't cheat on you. I don't know what you're talking about."

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