Michael - Song Imagine 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' by Aerosmith

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Words in italics are the lyrics!


Lying close to you feeling your heart beating, and I'm wondering what you're dreaming, wondering if it's me you're seeing, then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together

Michael watched as your chest rose and fell with the steady rhythm of your breathing. He pulled you closer to his side, and smiled to himself as you subconsciously cuddled closer to him. He admired the way you looked so effortlessly beautiful while sleeping. Your hair was a mess all over the pillow and a few strands escaped to tickle his arm as he held you tight. The light that was trickling in from the slightly parted curtains cast a glow across your face, and he couldn't help but think how you looked like an innocent angel. He pulled your body as close to his as humanly possible and could feel your heart beating against his chest. A smile crept across his features as he admired your sleeping form. You kept mumbling incoherent things to yourself, and he wondered what you were dreaming about this time. He puts on a punk rock attitude most of the time, but deep down he always hoped you were dreaming about him when you closed your eyes, because whenever he closed his you were all he saw. He gently kisses your eyes and can't believe how lucky he is to have you in his life. His kisses cause you to stir, and you open your eyes to find Michael's green eyes looking at you with pure love and adoration.

And I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles.
"Good morning." You give him a sleepy smile before you climb on top of his body and lay down so your chests are flush against each other.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?" He chuckles.
"I just wanted to be close to you." You giggle. "But I can give you some space if you want." You shrug and begin to crawl off his body before you feel his arms wrap around your waist pulling you back into place.
"Oh, no. I want you right here." He beams.
You giggle and push the hair from his face. You meet his gaze and feel a blush forming across your cheeks.
"What?" You ask.
"Nothing, I just love you a lot." He pecks your forehead softly.
You can feel his hands lifting the hem of your, actually his shirt but you claimed as your own when you moved in together, up and he begins to draw shapes on your soft skin.
"I don't want you to have to leave, Mikey." You whisper so softly you almost think he won't hear you.
His fingers stop moving across your skin and he looks at you. It nearly kills him inside to see the sadness creeping its way into your eyes. He loves you so much, and always vows to never let you be sad even if you assure him it's not his job, but to him it is and to know that his going away is what is causing you to hurt almost makes him reconsider his entire dream of being in a band.
"I don't have to." He answers.
"Yes you do, Mikey. This is your dream. So many people are counting on you, and you can't let them down." You remind him.
"The only person I care about letting down is you." He admits. He slowly lets his lips meet yours in a loving kiss. His lips mold together with yours perfectly, and he can't help but think you two were truly born to be together. He doesn't want to pull away, because he wants to memorize the way your lips feel against his. He wants to remember the little dip you have in the middle of your bottom lip and how much he loves that, even if you are insecure about it, he loves it because it's like his lips fit together with yours like a puzzle piece.
"I love you so damn much, Y/N." He smiles after pulling away from the kiss for a breath.
"I love you too, Michael." You let your fingertips slowly trace his collarbones and he can't help but feel his heart beat quicken at your touch.
"Forever baby." He adds while watching your fingertips continue to trace his skin.
"Forever and ever?" You tease.
"Forever and ever and ever." He assures before enclosing your pink lips with his once more.

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