Ashton - A Part of the Family

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Requested: Anonymous - "Can you do one where you're dating Ashton and you get really close to his family, and one day Lauren goes to you for some help or advice and when he finds out he gets mad or something and yells at you for interfering in his family's business which upsets you cause you thought you were part of his family?"


"My family's really missed seeing you." Ashton smiles, unbuckling his seatbelt before leaning over to press a chaste kiss against your lips.

"i've missed them too." You reply, beginning to open your door before Ashton reaches over to swat your hand away.

"Let me get that for you." He orders, quickly hopping out of the car and jogging to your door, opening it for you and giving you his hand. "My lady."

"What a gentleman. You do know none of your family is watching, right?" You tease, raising an eyebrow as you grab his hand to help yourself out of the car.

He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body. "Can't I just want to be a gentleman, because I love my girlfriend?"

You roll your eyes, pressing your lips against his, pulling away once you feel his lips turn upwards.

"Come on, we need to get inside. We can't be rude to your family. I need them to continue liking me." You command, unraveling his arms from your waist, so you can grab ahold of his hand.

"Y/N, they already love you. You're practically family, so just relax, okay?" He assures, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen them in so long, and what if they'll be bored with me now? Wha-"

"Y/N, baby, look at me." He whispers, your body immediately relaxes when you look up and meet his warm hazel eyes. "They're still going to love you, okay? Lauren has been asking for me to bring you by as soon as we came back to Australia, so just relax. It's all going to be okay." He kisses the top of your head, squeezing your hand reassuringly.

You open your mouth to protest just as the front door swings open and his family quickly runs out to greet the two of you.

"Y/N!" Lauren exclaims, hugging you tightly.

"What about me? I'm your brother." Ashton scoffs, as she continues to hug you.

"That's exactly why I'm more excited to see Y/N than you." She teases, sticking her tongue out at him.

Ashton shakes his head quickly pulling her into a bear hug despite her protests.

"Hey Y/N" Harry smiles, hugging you quickly before his mother pushes him to the side.

"Y/N! Look at you darling! You look beautiful!" She coos, hugging you tightly.

"Does none of my family care that I'm home?" Ashton whines, a pout forming on his pink lips.

"Oh hush up. We see enough of you." Ann chuckles, pulling her son into a tight hug. "How's my baby boy doing?"

"I'm good." He grins, pulling you closer to his side once he's free from her grip. "We're both really good." He looks at you with a wide smile, quickly pecking your cheek.

"Ashton" You groan, blushing slightly at his PDA in front of his family, especially his own mother.

"You two are so cute." Ann admires, a fond smile gracing her face. "Oh, come on inside! I made spaghetti for lunch, because I knew Ashton would really appreciate it."

Ashton puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you into the house, following behind the rest of his family. The five of you have lunch, catching up and laughing until your face hurts as Ann tells you story after story of Ashton from his childhood that you hadn't heard yet. Ashton rolls his eyes more than half the time, his face stained a crimson red nearly the entire meal. After everyone finishes eating you help Ashton clean up the kitchen, insisting to Ann that the two of you clean since she cooked the meal. Ashton grabs your hand, leading you to the living room where he pulls you onto his lap on the couch.

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