Luke - Don't Ever Forget

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Requested: Could you do an imagine about dating Luke but Calum likes you?


You're lounging on your living room couch when you suddenly hear your front door open and close. You furrow your brows and stretch your neck to see who came inside. You hear a tumble followed by quiet "shit" and you immediately realize who your intruder is.

"Calum!" You scream excitedly as you jump from the couch and run to greet him.

"Y/N!" He chuckles as he wraps you up in his arms.

"I've missed you so much, Cal!" You take a step back and give him a once over. "You look taller since I last saw you."

He shakes his head at your comment. "You look beautiful as always."

You blush at him comment and turn towards the living room to hide your flaming cheeks from him.

"Come on in! Luke isn't home yet, but we both have something to tell you. He just had to run up to Ashton's quick, because he left his phone there." You plop down on your spot on the couch, and roll your eyes at your last sentence.

Calum follows you into the living room before sitting on the couch across from you.

"That's fine. I know how he is with that thing." He lets out a quiet chuckle before shifting in his seat.

"Do you want anything to eat? Drink? It's Luke's night to make dinner, so we'll probably order food later if you just want to wait for that."

He smiles softly. "No thanks, Y/N. I'm fine."

"So, what's new with you? We haven't seen each other in so long. I miss our weekly movie nights." You pout.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I-uh-I've just been so busy since we came back from tour. A lot of people to see." He shrugs.

You move to sit beside him before you give him your best puppy dog face. "But, I've been your best friend since diapers, Cal."

He boops your nose and smiles apologetically. "I know, and I'm sorry I haven't seen you."

"It's okay." You smile before crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly. "I just wanted you to know I missed you."

Calum shifts uncomfortably from your added presence in his lap before slowly sliding you back to your spot on the couch cushion.

"I know you di-"

"Honey, I'm home!" Luke declares as he walks into the living room, a beaming smile on his lips as he leans down to kiss you quickly. He sits down before grabbing your hips and pulling you into his lap.


"Yes princess?" He whispers before pressing his lips against the soft skin of your neck.

You can't help the giggles that escape your lips. "W-we have a guest!"

Luke looks at Calum and just shrugs.

"It's Cal, babe. This isn't going to bother him. Right Cal?"

Calum just shifts in his seat and shrugs nonchalantly.


"Well, it bothers me. Now keep your lips from my skin." You order.

"So bossy. I love it." Luke chuckles.

"Can we just tell him already?" You beg excitedly.

"Tell me what?" Calum leans forward in his seat with his elbows resting atop his knees. His face twists with confusion.

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