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"No, Luke, I can't."


I straightened up, putting my hands on my hips as I tried to catch my breath. "No."

Luke straightened up as well, looking even taller as he glowered down at me. "Again."

I bit my lip and wiped at my forehead before giving Luke a glare. I let out a deep breath and glanced away before suddenly bringing my arm back, putting all my weight behind it as I lunged forward and swung at Luke, hoping to catch him off guard.

"You're joking, right?" Luke raised his eyebrows has he merely stepped back, grabbing my wrist and holding it in place." Are you even trying, Mel?"

"Yes, I'm trying." I snapped, yanking my wrist away. "You think I'd let you toss me around on that old mat willingly?"

"I do not toss you around." Luke scowled, glancing at the padded mat a few feet away.

It was roughly midnight now, and Luke and I had found ourselves in a dimly lit local gym with no AC and the humidity was just about killing me. As if I wasn't dead already from all the working out Luke had me do earlier. It started out with a seven AM run, eight times around the block. I definitely cheated that, walking every second I was out of Luke's sight since he mainly stayed in one spot because he couldn't do much with his shoulder.

I got a three hour break as we drove to our next destination, only to have to do another eight laps around the block our new hotel was on. By this time, it was about noon, meaning it had gotten a lot hotter than it had been earlier, and I was already tired. Thankfully, around my fifth lap, Michael started letting me in the back door of the hotel so I could take a small break inside before exiting out near the front as if I didn't just cut through the block like I totally did. But of course, on my eighth lap, it was an unpleasant surprise to me when the back door opened for me to come in, and instead of being greeted by Michael's face and the offer of pizza and water, it was Luke, his eyebrow raised skeptically although he clearly knew what I was up to.

After that, Michael and Luke bickered for a good hour about how Michael shouldn't be getting in the way of my workouts because it could affect my "training." And Michael argued that any type of exercise, especially running, was inhumane and that if anything, Luke should be imprisoned for it.

So basically, that argument went nowhere.

To get away from Michael and any distractions, Luke had me drive with only his directions to guide me. There was a lot of arguing and yelling in that. But eventually, we ended up some sort of park, complete with an uphill hiking trail and everything. And not to mention that this park was located in the Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico, and it was about a thousand degrees outside.

There, he drilled me with more excercises and had me run the nature trail.


So by this time, I was dead tired and ready to shoot Luke.

"Try being the one getting tossed around, Hemmo," I grumbled, yanking my wrist out of his grip. "I think you'd agree with me."

"Maybe it wouldn't feel like you were being tossed around if you actually tried," he rolled his eyes as he turned away to walk around as he tried to roll his injured shoulder as best as he could.

"I am trying!" I snapped, evidently annoyed with his arrogant attitude.

"Sure, Mel," Luke called over his shoulder as he started to cross the mat. "We'll call it a day. Maybe when we're back here tomorrow, you might actually do something."

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