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"C'mon, you gotta get up."

"Calum?" I mumbled into my arm, opening my eyes briefly. "Leave me alone, it's still dark-"

"I'm not Calum," the voice interrupted me and I froze. It didn't sound remotely like Calum. Instantly, I was completely awake, the memories of the past few hours hitting me nearly as hard as the terrible headache that threatened to split my skull open. Slowly, I propped myself up on my elbow and held my head in my hands until the black spots the blurred my vision disappeared.

"Luke?" I tried, although it didn't really sound like him. But I couldn't imagine it being the other one.

"Guess again."



He's going to kill me.

"I'm not going to kill you." Michael murmured as I slowly looked up at him.

My head was pounding and I could hardly think straight, so the words fell from my mouth before I could stop them. "Just knock out or seriously injure."

Michael stared at me blankly for a moment, his face even paler in the moonlight. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the corners of his incredibly red lips tugged upwards for the briefest second before he shook his head and let out a low laugh. "C'mon we're getting out."

"Getting out?" I furrowed my brows and tried to look out the windows, but they were foggy and a little frosted. I wasn't even going to bother trying to wrap my head around the fact that Michael was talking to me on decent terms and did not have a gun to my head. "Why?"

"Well I don't think you're gonna want to sleep in a freezing car all night, so I suggest you get out and follow me into our hotel." Michael rolled his eyes and opened the door to get out. Halfway out the door, he paused and looked back at me. "Coming?"

I hesitated, still not sure I should trust Michael or Luke, who I didn't see anywhere. "Where's Luke?"

"Getting into our hotel room. Now are you coming or not?" Michael said impatiently.

"Coming," I answered and scrambled after him, deciding against freezing to death in the car. The cold air hit me hard and stung my cheeks, blowing my hair back off my shoulders. I cowered back into the shelter of the car, rubbing my bare arms. I was no stranger to the cold weather, but given the fact I was in a short sleeveless dress, I was freezing.

"What now?" Michael sighed in an irritated tone. I shook from the cold and luckily, he noticed. "Oh, right, you must be freezing."

I nodded and he gestured for me to step to the side. He stepped back into the truck and reached into the trunk for the blanket I had slept under. He took it out with him, shutting the door behind him before draping the blanket over my shoulders. "Better?"

"Yeah," I said slowly, wrapping the soft material tightly around me. Something felt off. Michael was never the nice one. I didn't know him, but so far what I have seen of these two boys, Luke was the softer one and Michael was the edge. He's up to something, I thought warily, watching him carefully as he started walking away. After a few steps, he stopped and looked back at me.

"Come on," he waved me forward and I followed him. We were in the back parking lot of some hotel I didn't know the name of. It wasn't some Motel 6 though. It was at least seven stories and the building seemed like it was well kept but not too fancy. Most importantly though, it looked warm.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I hurried to keep up with Michael's long strides.

"Through the back entrance. Luke went in to get the rooms alone and the last time he did that, the lady at the front desk called security on me when I walked in because I looked suspicious." Michael chuckled softly and I stayed silent. I agreed with the lady at the front desk.

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