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I didn't expect things between me and Luke to change so quickly. I thought that maybe we'd ease into this, start off with hand holding and all the little things. But taking things slow wasn't exactly Luke's deal. Within the first week, Luke had practically moved in with me, spending most nights in my bed than he did in his own. It didn't really bother me though, I liked having Luke by me as we ate junk food and discovered all the weird parts of YouTube.

If anything, the only thing Luke did take slowly was the thing we once did a lot. We were almost the exact opposite of the way we had been before. Basically, we kept our clothes on.

"Stop staring at me," Luke whispered, not taking his eyes off the computer string as we watched a mine turtle blow up.

"I'm not staring at you," I whispered, even though I clearly was.

We were laying on my bed with Luke's arm around my shoulders as I curled into his side while we watched more YouTube videos on the laptop. After watching a polar bear land on the moon, a group of animated people get hit by a train, a potato with a gun, and an exploding turtle, I had lost interest in the video and found myself much more interested in staring at Luke.

"Why are you staring?" Luke still spoke in a hushed tone, keeping his eyes on the screen.

"I'm not," I denied it, still looking straight at him.

"Melanie." Luke finally turned his head to look at me, surpressing a small smile.

"Luke." I raised my eyebrows innocently at him, my fingers tapping on his chest.

"Stop staring," he repeated, reaching his free hand up to cover the hand I had put on his chest, preventing my fingers from moving anymore.

"You stop staring," I smirked, turning on my stomach and cradling my chin in my hands.

"Mel," Luke whined, sticking his bottom lip out.

"Why are you staring at me?" I chuckled, reaching up to tap his nose with my finger.

"Because you're pretty," Luke grabbed my hand and turned it, pressing his lips to the back of my hand and causing me to blush. I still wasn't used to being like this with Luke, or anyone really. I would have never expected Luke to be sweet like this, kissing my hand and complimenting me for no real reason. I couldn't help but think of all that he's missing out on because he has to live like this.

"I just was thinking about how awful your hair looks," I said, trying to joke around even though my tone definitely more subdued due to my recent thoughts as I turned my eyes downwards and watched myself trace shapes onto the sheets.

Luke's hand went up to his messy hair, touching it self consciously before he realized I was joking. Luke's brows pulled together and he tilted his head to the side, noticing the shift in my mood. "Hey," he put his fingers under my chin and tilted my face up to see his. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I shrugged, scooting up a little to put my head on his shoulder. "Just thinking."

"Penny for your thoughts?" Luke asked, lacing his fingers through mine and letting our hands rest on his stomach, just above the laptop.

"What does that mean?" I knew what it meant. I just didn't feel like explaining myself.

"It's an invitation to talk about what's on your mind," Luke said gently, his breath fanning across my cheeks. "C'mon, Mel. You're the college girl, you should know that."

I smiled softly, thinking of a night that seemed so far away.

"Any siblings, Lucas Hemmings?" I shouted as Luke and I navigated our way to the middle of the floor.

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