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We were out of the hotel and on the road by 7 AM, no questions asked. Luke had swiped us a few muffins and bagels from the hotel's complimentary breakast bar downstairs on the claim that "It's free for the guests," which I considered a little funny since we broke into a room and spent the night without paying. There was nothing I liked about what these boys did, but I didn't-couldn't-object to anything.

"You're quiet today," Luke noted, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I was seated in the backseat, staring silently out the window.

"I'm a naturally quiet person." I said softly, glancing over at Luke. I frowned a little as I realized he wasn't actually listening to hear my response. I looked down at my lap, which was now clothed in the old gray sweats Michael gave me, along with an All Time Low sweatshirt.

"Couldn't shut you up last night." Michael teased, but he gave me a small smile that I tried and failed to return. I tried to be cooperative and be as little of a burden as possible, but I really just wanted to go home.

"I'm a talkative drunk," I shrugged and Michael nodded, returning his attention to the winding road ahead of him.

We lapsed into silence after that. Questions plagued my mind. Calum must have found out by now that I was gone. God knows how he is or what he's done. I might as well have dropped off the face of the Earth. I had a sick feeling I wouldn't be home anytime soon.

"You know," Luke suddenly said quietly, still looking out the window. "It's been said that people are most like themselves when they're drunk."

So he had been listening.

"What are you saying?" I leaned forward, interested to hear what he had to say.

"Nothing," he shrugged and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. "But they also tend to reveal a lot about themselves-"

"I never told you anything," I cut him off sharply.

"-and not even remember it." Luke finished coolly, barely blinking at my interjection.

"So what?" I scowled. "I told you a few things about myself. Big deal. I would have told any asshole at a club what I told you."

"You wouldn't have," Luke snapped, briefly losing his calm manner. "Just me, and you and I both know that," he quieted. "And you told me more than just a few things."

"Like what?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist anxiously. I had quickly begun to lose all kind thoughts of Luke. Michael had been right, their first impressions weren't everything. It was like my mind had changed his lable from someone I could trust to someone I had to walk on glass around.

"Like what?" He chuckled without humor. "Things that I'm sympathetic enough to not tell and save you the embarrassment."

My face flushed. I didn't know exactly what I had told him, but I had more than enough embarrassing secrets, even the most bearable ones were terrible.

"Besides," Luke broke our temporary silence once again and glanced back at me over his shoulder with an unreadable expression. "Secrets make good leverage."


"Fuck it, it's been two and a half hours, I'm a nineteen year old guy, I need more food than a fucking muffin, I'm finding a restaurant." Michael grumbled, craning his neck to look around Luke for any breakfast places. We had driven into small place that I didn't know the name of. The sky was gray with patches of blue peeking through. Snow piled along the sides of the road and on rooftops.

"It was a blueberry muffin," Luke pointed out, the corners of his lips quirking up in satisfaction as Michael shot him an irritated glance.

"Oh! It was a blueberry muffin!" Michael said in a mocking tone. "Now I'm not hungry anymore!"

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