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Three dances and too many drinks later, I learned a couple things about Luke.

His name is Luke Hemmings.

He's Australian.

He's eighteen.

And he got his fake ID two years ago with his friend from the bar.

"Any siblings, Lucas Hemmings?" I shouted as Luke and I navigated our way to the middle of the floor.

"Nah," he shook his head and played with his lip ring. "And it's just Luke. What about you, Melanie Davis?"

"Nope," I grabbed his hand and spun myself around. "Just a roommate. That's all."

"Ah, a college girl?" Luke smirked and I felt my cheeks heat.

"I left high school a year early. I'd be a senior." I nodded, getting a warm feeling in my chest as Luke grinned and his dimples came to play.

"So you must be pretty smart, huh?" Luke swung our arms between us. We weren't even really dancing. And to be fair, as hot as Luke was, dancing wasn't his thing.

"I guess," I shrugged. "I just really wanted to get out of my hometown."

"Where do you go? Columbia University?" Luke raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Exactly," I peered up at Luke who didn't seem surprised at all by the fact that he was right. "Where do you go?"

"I don't." Luke said simply. "Just passing through."

"Oh, so you aren't from around here?" I asked, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Oh god no, I could never afford a place. I've got a small place in Chicago." Luke ran his tongue over his lips and teased the ring.

"Chicago's nice," I stated, pulling my eyes away from the metal loop.

"It is," he agreed. "You ever been?"

"Long time ago," I sighed. "When I was nine."

Luke reached forward, holding onto my waist and pulling me to him so we moved like everyone else. "Come visit sometime. I'd show you around."

"That'd be...nice," I blushed again, finding it hard to complete a sentence or even a thought as Luke's blue eyes found mine.

Luke smiled. "Mhm."

"So," Luke dragged out the word like a slur, but it wasn't exactly like the one of a drunk. "Are you here alone? Or is there someone I have to give you back to?"

"Alone," I breathed out as Luke's long fingers thrummed against my waist. I kicked myself internally, thinking faintly that you never tell strangers if you're alone.

But this wasn't a stranger, this was Luke. He was nice, and funny, and easy to talk to. There was an exception. Luke Hemmings was okay.

"You must be crazy," Luke laughed breathily against my forehead. "New York City, alone on a Friday night? Clubbing?"

"It was the last day before break today," I explained. "I thought I'd celebrate."


"Calum's sick," I said. Then seeing Luke's brows pull together, I added, "Calum's my roommate."

"Oh, I see," he nodded. "Are you guys close?"

"Yeah," I said in between breaths, actually wishing he would shut up. I wasn't quite sure how he wasn't out of breath, but I was starting to be. "We grew up together. He and I both got into Columbia... If he hadn't, I'd be in a dorm. I can't afford a place either."

Luke's attention was suddenly elsewhere, across the room. It was only there for a split second, his smile faltering and eyes narrowing. His chin dipped ever so slightly and bobbed back up. But it happened so quickly, I wasn't sure it happened at all.

"Is it a nice place?" Luke asked curiously. If he was tiring, he didn't show it.

"I'd think so," I nodded. "I feel like I get judged every time I walk in."

"They're lucky to have you," Luke murmured. He gazed around the room once, before staring intensely at me.

Suddenly, our bodies were much closer, his pressed to mine and his hands were even lower. The song that rang throughout the club changed from one of a steady, moderate beat to one much more rapid. Our movements sped up and our breaths were hotter and heavier. Luke then dipped his head, his hot breath warming my neck.

"Oh, y-yeah?" I chuckled nervously and blushed. "You think so?"

"Mmm," Luke grunted and surprised me immensely with the feel of his lips on my skin, sucking softly. I gasped, leaning away with my hands on his chest. His blue eyes were more intense now. He reached up, brushing my glitter-covered hair behind my ear from where it was plastered to my forehead. He cupped my cheek, running his thumb over my bottom lip and raising an eyebrow suggestively.

I felt my eyes widen in surprise I knew he could sense. I wasn't a stranger to clubbing, but I didn't just kiss random guys. But then again, I never really danced with anyone but my friends who weren't here tonight.

Live a little, Mel. You haven't done much of that for the past eighteen years of your life.

(God bless fake IDs.)

Luke is nice. Luke is funny. Luke is easy to talk to Luke is okay.

There was an exception.

Well, he wasn't bad looking.

There's a first time for everything.

There was an exception.

So I stopped dancing, and Luke did too, not a moment later, with his eyebrows raised and lip quirked to the side. Slowly, I placed my hands on his chest, smoothing the material down and stood on my tiptoes so my arms went around his neck. Luke's smile deepened and he pulled his bottom lip between his lip like he had earlier at the bar, playing with that ring. His thumb brushed over my lip once more before coming to rest on my cheek.

Then, Luke let go of his lip and tilted my chin upwards before placing his lips on mine.

Little did I know, only fifteen feet away, the club door swung open, emitting a brief burst of loud music and a tall young man, dressed in black from head-to-toe with bright red hair who hurried down the street towards 750 Columbus Avenue, West 96th Apartments, Apartment 21.

Lol i suck so much i'm laughing.

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