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"Where's Luke?" I groaned, shifting around in the backseat of the car. "It's freezing in here. He was right behind us when we left."

"Just give him five minutes," Michael said with a smirk, kicking his feet up on the dashboard and reclining back in his chair. "He'll be out soon."

"What is he doing?" I peered through the frosted windows and watched the entrance to Denny's for any sign of the tall blonde.

"Beats me." Michael replied and shrugged, although it was quite obvious that he knew.

"You're a terrible liar," I rolled my eyes and pulled the sleeves of Michael's baggy sweatshirt over my hands.

"I'm only terrible when I don't give a shit about what I'm lying about," he shrugged. "What Luke does is none of my business. We've got a big enough lead on those guys back there so one five minute fuck in a bathroom stall is hardly enough to concern me."

I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Are you serious? That's what he's doing?"

"I don't know. Is it?" Michael raised an eyebrow at me and met my eyes in the mirror.

"Don't talk in circles around me," I snapped. "Who would possibly fuck him in the bathroom?"

"A lot of girls," Michael chuckled. "You might have wouldn't you? And who do you think he's with right now?"

I winced under his words. He was right about that, it was only last night that I had dragged him back to my apartment. "At least I had the decency to get back to my apartment."

Michael just shrugged. "Sometimes, people don't have the time or flexibility to leave their jobs and go home to fuck a customer."

"You're saying he's with Isabelle?" I scowled and pulled my light brown hair over my shoulder and running my hands through it. I felt disgusted. It was less than an hour ago that it was his hands that were running through it while his lips worked the soft spots of my neck and captured my lips. But now he's was off in the bathroom at Denny's probably getting or giving STDs.

"One could only assume." Michael pulled out his phone and started playing some game with dragons.

"What do you mean by that?" I leaned forward in my chair and tilted my head to the side.

Michael sighed and leaned back, finally understanding that I wouldn't stop talking. He let his head fall back against the side if the head rest and looked at me lazily. "There were only two girls in there that Luke would have spent time for, you and the waitress. And unless I'm losing my mind, you're here and not getting it on in the bathroom stall with Luke, so I would assume that yes, he's with Isabitch."

"Isabelle." I corrected him, although I liked his version better.

"Isabitch to me." Michael shrugged. "I saw the way you looked at her today. You'll probably be with us for a while, and you'll need a friend. It gets lonely. So if you don't like her, then neither do I."

"Oh," I said quietly and sat back in my chair and thought for a while. Honestly, what Michael had just said touched me. He had been decent to me in the whole crazy scheme of things but I had never considered becoming friends with him.

"Here comes the cheeky little bastard." Michael stuck his chin in the direction of the restaurant's front doors.

I peered aroud his chair and scowled. With his jacket slung over his shoulder, Luke ran one hand through his blonde quiff and waved back at who I guessed was Isabelle with the other. He yelled something and nodded before turning to and walking the rest of the way to our car with a wide grin on his face.

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