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I jolted awake as the surface beneath me rocked suddenly. My head was no longer clouded and the strange taste in my mouth had dulled. But in it's place was an extreme throbbing on my left temple that pulsated through my head.

Shakily, I propped myself up on my elbow. Pain flared up, causing my vision to blur and my elbow to give out. I fell again with a loud thud and groaned.


"You named it?"

"Shut up, Michael."

I turned my eyes towards the voices. Luke and Michael sat a few feet ahead with the back of their chairs to me. Luke twisted around in his seat, the red lights visible through the big window behind him casting his shadow over me.

Those are tail lights, I realized and I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. As realization that I was in the back of a car dawmed on me, I shot up into a sitting position and scrambled backwards so my back was pressed to the trunk door.

Luke watched me with a quizzical expression. My mind raced as I processed what was happening. I was in the back of what, a truck? With two guys, one I've never met and the other, a guy I almost had a one night stand with before I passed out. Suddenly, that weird taste was back and my stomach churned unpleasantly.

"Michael, where's the bag?" Luke asked and Michael jutted his chin towards the glove box of the car, keeping his eyes in front of him and hands on the wheel. Luke opened the compartment and pulled out a bag. He unbuckled himself and crawled into the back, handing me the bag.

He did it just in time too, because I snatched the bag from his hands and heaved the contents of my stomach into it.

"Ugh, gross." I could see Michael scrunch up his nose in the mirror. When I did, my eyes also rested on the glove compartment, still lit and open like Luke left it. There were papers, CD cases, and all sorts of things. But among it all, the most peculiar thing was the gun.

A gun.

I turned my head down and puked again.

Luke must have seen what I was looking at because he said, "Michael, close the glove compartment."

"I'm driving, you left it open, why can't you-"

"Just do it." Luke hissed. Michael glared at Luke through the mirror and reached over with one hand, slamming the box shut.

Luke glanced down at me as I clutched my stomach with one hand and tried to take deep breaths. "That stuff never settles well."

I looked up at him with wide eyes and thought about the funny taste I had when I drank the beer at the apartment. "Did you poison me?" I whisper-yelled, my voice squeaking and my heart speeding up.

"What? No." Luke shook his head. "We don't kill people."

"Not on purpose anyway," Michael added from the front. "Just knock out or seriously injure-"

"Michael, shut up!" Luke snapped and Michael smirked, but he went silent. It was too late though. My mind went into panic mode and I started shaking, beyond the point of listening to reason or calming down.

"What the hell is going on?" I squeaked, frantically looking out the windows. I realized we were on the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City shining right behind. "Why are we leaving New York? Where are you taking me?"

"Oh my god, pipe down," Luke ordered but I wasn't listening.

"Who are you? What did you want from Calum's account? Oh my god, you're thieves!" My heart continued to speed up as I eyed the glove compartment and thought of the gun. "Please don't shoot me-"

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