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We both surged forward, like two clashing waves, and I was swept up into his arms as he crushed me to his chest. I wanted to disappear into that moment, to dissolve into him like sugar in water because in that second nothing else besides us felt real.

But all too soon, Luke's arms slid out from behind my back and his hands were gripping my arms tightly, holding me in place as he bent down so that we were eye to eye.

"Melanie, what are you doing here?" The surprise had faded and now his face was a mask of urgency, concern, and maybe even fear.

"I came for you, Luke." I said, reaching up and grabbing his hand to pull him back towards the stairs. "Michael's waiting, we don't have much time, they're after me - "

"Wait, you're the security breach?" Luke's eyebrows raised and mine furrowed.

"The what?"

Luke looked at me for a few moments longer before he apparently decided that it wasn't important enough to explain. "Nevermind." His grip on my hand tightened and he pulled me to a stop. "Wait a minute."

"We can't wait a minute, Luke," I groaned, trying to tug him towards the stairwell. "Didn't you hear what I said - "

Luke wouldn't budge. "No, Mel, wait." he insisted. "There are people going up the stairs right now looking for you. But they think you're on the fifth floor so we have to wait for them to pass."

"Wait how did you - "

"There!" The sound of voices dramatically grew and simultaneously Luke and I looked in the direction from which I came. They'd found us.

"Or we can go now!" Luke ran for the stairs, yanking me along with him and throwing open the door. Thankfully whoever had been in the stairwell had passed. I noticed the familiar looking backpack on Luke's back, but I was too busy trying to keep up with him and not tumble down the stairs.

Above us, the door burst open and the clatter of footsteps echoed off the walls. I hardly had a moment before a loud shot went off, leaving a decent sized mark in the wall I had just passed. "Are they fucking shooting?"

Luke stopped, throwing me ahead of him as he pulled out his gun, firing a few shots. "Keep going!"

I wanted to stop, but there was no use in that. I did as he said, but I held my gun ready, prepared to shoot the moment I had enough space on them. When I got to the first floor landing, I turned and pointed the gun just in time to see Luke swing himself over the railing of the second landing. I stumbled back as he landed right by me, nearly tumbling to the ground.

My eyes widened, my own legs aching at the sight of what he just did. "Luke - "

"Just go!" I shoved open the door to the rest of the first floor just as Luke's hand found mine and he rushed past me, leading the way. "Where's Michael?"

"He's waiting behind one of the storage units for us," I huffed. "We're parked out on the street."

"Us?" Luke cast a look down at me as we wound through the hallways. I didn't know where we were going, definitely not towards the front doors. "No, Melanie, I'm not going with you."

"What?" I brought us to a halt, ripping my hand from his grip. "No, Luke, we came here for you, there's no way I'm leaving without you!"

"Melanie, I came here to protect you!" Luke reached for my hand again. "I'm just getting you out safely!"

"No!" I backed away out of reach. "We aren't having this argument, you promised last night you would stay, you owe me this!"

"I can't go, I'm trying to keep you safe, why can't you understand that?" he groaned, frustration weaving its way into his already panicked voice. "We have to go, now!"

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