Young and Searching 5

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I need to get to the trunk. I know there is at least a pillow and blanket back there, maybe even some water.

Though I felt utterly exhausted I force myself out of the chair. My ribs ached horribly but I was pretty sure nothing was broken.

My legs radiated more pain but was nothing compared to the thumping madness that my brain was enduring.

I opened the door and made myself stand on my weakened legs. I could make it. I held onto the top of the car as I wedged myself inch my inch to the back of the car. Finally I had made it, to an already ajar trunk and I couldn't help but be shocked by it's utter emptiness.


"She is 23 years old, bright blonde hair about 5'7." I stutter out barely able to comprehend my own words.

"Did you have a recent photograph of her." He asks his eyes following his pen on the pad of paper.

I reach in my own jacket pocket and pull out a small envelope filled with several dozens of pictures of us, all smiles on the dock. I regret not having the time to cut myself out of them.

As I take out a single photo and slide it across the table, Cooper flashes me a hatefueled look.

It was in fact the most recent picture we had of her.

"This was taken less than three days ago." I say as he grabs ahold of the photo.

"Alright." He says eyeing the entirety of the photograph. "And you're sure she didn't just run away, or camp out for the weekend?" He asks us in his deep almost threatining voice. And heres but one of the reasons I hate cops.

"Yes , we are sure. She went to his." Sophia says pointing a lazy finger at me. "Sisters wedding and was supposed to come home right after."

"So you were the last to see her?" He asks me furrowing his brow.

"I saw her get into her car when she was leaving the party but so did many of the other guests that were leaving around the same time." I try to explain in my softest of voices.

"Do you know what she was wearing?" He asks continuing to write in his notebook.

"Well she left wearing a green dress, but she's not wearing that now." I say recalling the gas stations video.

"How do you know did she change before she left?" He asks in an even deeper voice than before acting as if this was an interrogation and not just what it really is.

"We saw her on a gas stations video tape. She was wearing blue jeans and a green t-shirt. It was up at the A-okkay not two miles from here." I said sitting up more straight in my seat.

"Alright. Have you checked there since..." he starts to ask.

"Yes!" Sophia inturrupts. " We just talked with them they haven't seen her, we need to find her! What are you doing to find her?" Sophia asks through a stream of tears.

"Mam you need to calm down. We are doing everything we can to find your friend. This man here." He says gestering to Cooper. " told us the make and model of her car and about the situation about 15 minutes before you arrived. We have sent out half of our stations resources and called in even more from another county. We will find her. " He explains sounding much more sympathetic to Sophia then to Cooper or I.

Young and Hungry (Just Write it-2015)Where stories live. Discover now