Young and Taken 2

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The small clear pill bottle held inside exactly what I needed to get myself out of this "unfortuate" situation. It even sang to me as I walked with it to the back of the car.

A cunning smile formed on my lips as I moved closer and closer to Sophia, her screams now nothing but faint whispers.

As I look inside the small darkened crawlspace I see her frightened glowing eyes, and her makeup a wet black smear across her brown eyes, obscuring what little details I could make out. The black piece of tape held together her wrinkled lips moving with the air she tried repeatedly to push out.

I feel bad having doing this to her, I really do, kidnapping and drugging people isn't exactly something I do on a daily basis.


It was only after her vitals had again steadied that I was allowed back into her small white hospital room. As much as I wanted to stay awake and watch over her, I couldn't help but to rest my eyes.

I tried for hours to sleep in the chair beside her bed, but when that didn't work I laid myself beside her, wrapping my arm around her holding her as close as possible beneath the sheets.

I could feel her every breath as her body moved unconciously. It was comforting to feel her, to hold her close to me. She was still colder than she usually felt, even under the multitude of blankets they had given her all white with an uncomfortable texture. Soon I will warm her up. Her soft snore eventually put me to sleep once I realized she was safe and sound.

It wasn't until I woke up, still holding Gabi, that I remembered my phone ringing hours earlier.


I patiently watched her fall down the steep hill and through a brush of leaves nearly hitting a tree on her desent. Damn! I should have pushed her harder!


I carefully reach into my jeans pocket and go through my call log. I see that it was Elliot trying to call so I mute the phone and shove it back into the pocket from which it came. I would call him later.

Without even thinking about it I started tracing invisible figures on her bare back. The hospital gown did nothing to hide her, but her curves weren't unfamiliar to me either.

Then she quietly mumbled something.

Young and Hungry (Just Write it-2015)Where stories live. Discover now