New friend or New Enemy?

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The first four periods of school ended and it was time for lunch. I stood in the lunch line and waited. The line slowly disappeared and the tables become more and more full. I finally got my lunch and found an empty table toward the back. I sat down and poked my lunch with my fork. The school cafeteria's food is gross. Today is Macaroni and Cheese with Meatballs, green beans, Apple slices, and a roll. Since our school is in a budget, they feed us the same food as prisoners get. And school is basically like a prison. In fact, my whole life is a prison. I feel like I've been framed. I get punished for something I didn't even do. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone sat next to me. "Why are you sitting all by yourself?" Andy asked. "I'm not exactly what you call 'social butterfly'." I answered. I slowly picked at my food and ate quietly. I could see out of the corner of my eye Andy was staring at me. I looked up at him and he smiled. I returned the smile and started to pick at my food again. "So tell me about yourself." Andy said. I put my fork down and just stared at him. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Everything." He replied. I started to think. "Well, my full name is Jessica Kay Stormsbrook. I'm 15 years old. I've lived in Oakley, Kansas my whole life. My mom is MIA and I live three blocks from this school." I told him. He smiled. "I live three blocks away too. I live on 7633 north ridge." Andy told me. "I live right next door to you." I told him. He smiled. The bell rang and I quickly dumped my tray and headed to my next class. Andy followed me down the school hallway and too our next class. We have the same classes. 1st period- American History, 2cd-period Math, 3rd period- Science, 4th period- language arts, 5th period- Art, 6th period- drama, 7th Period- digital media, 8th period- homeroom. I'm on my way to Art. I go in the room and I was immediately greeted by the person I hate, Stacy. "Well Hello! Glad to see your still alive. Surprised your dad hasn't killed you yet." She said. Everyone in the class went silent. Andy stood behind me quietly. I could picture his face behind me. Stacy grabbed my bag and walked over to the trash. She wiggled it around. "There is fresh paint in the trash can, I will drop this in three seconds if you don't do what I say." She said with an evil smirk. I sighed. "What do I have to do?" I asked. The smirk remained on her face as she told me her demand. "Admit that it's your fault that your mother left.". I sighed and looked down. "Fine. It's my fault my mother left me. I was such a spoiled brat that she just left me. There! You happy?!" I asked. She gave me a smile. "Very." She tossed my backpack on the floor and it slid across the slick cement. I picked it up and I took the seat towards the back. Andy sat next to a boy in the front row and just and watched the clock. He probably hates me now. I can't believe I was so stupid to believe that he wanted to be my friend. Eventually Mr. Larkey came in and started the lesson. I opened up my notebook and started to draw. I drew a little kid letting go of a heart-shaped balloon. It represents me letting go of my life. The heart shaped balloon is my life. I wish I could just end it now. I would be in a better place. But I can't do that. Then my dad and Stacy win. And I'd rather stay strong than have to lose to them. Right now I'm in a battle against them. And I'm not about to lose. But what I have to worry about now is are me and Andy enemies? Or is he going to fight this endless battle with me? I don't know. But either way, I know as long as I'm alive, this battle will never end.

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