Andys Family

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I wake up in a bed. There are a pair of arms around me and I have no idea whose they are. I opened my eyes and their was Andy, who is sound asleep. I smiled. I think Im in his room. Its still daylight out. His room was filled with posters of bands and he had a desk with a bunch of stuff on it labeled "Andy's Stuff. Do Not Touch!!". I guess he hasn't finished unpacking yet. I slowly unwrapped his arms around me. I stood up and looked out the window. The sun was setting, and I could see my house next door. There stood my dad in the kitchen. He sat on the chair and stared at some sort of food. He had his hands on his face. I couldn't tell what he was doing. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto the persons' lap. "Looks like sleeping beauty woke up." Andy said in his morning voice. I chuckled. "Yes and I see that Prince Charming has brought me to his castle." I smirked. He smiled. I didn't realize until now that Andy was shirtless. He had a light tan to himself. He looked like a person who loves to be outside. I look back up to his face and there lay a smirk. "Are you checking me out?" He asked. A light blush crept up to my face. I smacked him lightly and stood up. I went back to the window. The sun was going down in the distance. The last bit of light slowly disappearing. I could hear feet shuffling behind me. Soon a hand grabbed my hand and led me to the closet. Andy was wearing a red long sleeve shirt that says "save water, drink beer." "Pick a sweatshirt, we are going out." He said from behind me. There was 6 sweatshirts. A red one, a blue one, a white one, a green one, a black one, and a grey one. They were all from different states. The red one from Texas (which is kind of ironic, because its hot in Texas), The blue one from Montana, The white one from Alaska, The Green one from Georgia, The black one is from New York, And the Grey one is from Kentucky. I grabbed the New York one. I pulled it over my short sleeve shirt. It surprisingly fit. Andy smiled. "You look good. Since I picked where we went last night, where would you like to go tonight?" He asked. I smiled. "I haven't seen a movie in forever." I hinted. He smiled. "Great! Its settled." He exclaimed. He smiled his million dollar smile. "But first, you get to meet my family." He added. I smiled. "You ready?" He asked." I nodded my head and followed him down the hall. On the walls were pictures of kids growing up. Some of Andy, and some of his sisters. We came to another room. It was a living room. A girl on the couch was flipping through channels. Another girl sat in front of the couch on the floor. She was working on homework. A woman was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Andy cleared his throat and everyone turned and look at us. "Guys, I want you to meet my new friend, Jessica." He broke the silence. His mom walked over and stuck her hand out. "Hi! Im Andy's mom, Krystal. But you can call me 'mom' if you'd like. I smiled and shook her hand. "Okay." I replied. She smiled at me. Next up came a girl that was a little bit younger. "Hi! Im Kylee!" She smiled. I smiled too. A bit of an older girl came over and said hello too. "Im Lucy. Ive heard a lot about you Jessica." She said with a smirk on her face. She looked a lot like Andy. "huh wonder where Andy's dad is." I thought. Andy's cheeks were flushed, and he quickly grabbed my hand and turned around to head out the door. "Goodbye Everyone!" He yelled. He slammed the door shut behind him and led me to his car. "This is going to be a fun night."  I thought to myself.

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