The cottage in the woods

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We were in the car laughing. The movie had just got finished and we were driving to who knows where. "What do you call a fake noodle?" Andy asked. I looked at him. "An impasta" He exclaimed. I started laughing. "How are you laughing at that joke, it was so cheesy!" He yells. In Between breaths i was able to say "You just don't have a good sense of humor.". He smirked at me and he turned onto a dirt road. The moon was shining bright and lit up the night sky. The stars were glistening. It was a beautiful night. Andy took another turn and stopped at a path that led to the woods. The loud chirp of crickets around filled the cold night air. I pulled my hoodie close to me and hopped out. Andy did the same. "What are we doing here?" I asked him. He smiled. "My family owns a cottage here in the woods." He smiled. The moon shined brightly on his face and it made him look older. "Oh really?" I asked. He smiled. "Yah. I told my mom that I was planning on taking you out here, so don't worry. We will have the whole place to ourselves." He winked. A light blush crept onto my face. A few feet away was a fairly large log cabin. We walked up the front porch steps and Andy pulled out his keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door. We walked in. Andy turned on the lights and it lit up the room. It looks beautiful. All of the furniture was wooden or leather. I laid down on the sofa and closed my eyes. "Don't go to sleep now! I have to give you the grand tour!" He yelled. I giggled. "Cant you give it to me tomorrow? Im tired. Its 1:00 in the morning!" I whined. He sighed. "Okay, cmon, I will show you to our room." He gave in. I smiled. I got up and followed him to a room that had two queen size beds in it. Andy hopped on one and relaxed. He watched me sit down on top of the other bed. I pulled off my grey converse and my socks. "I don't have any pjs to wear." I said awkwardly. "Oh, then i guess you'll have to sleep naked." He chuckled. My eyes widened. "Im joking. My sister has some clothes in that top drawer of that dresser over there." He said pointing at a dresser in the corner. I thanked him and stood up. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a blue tank top that says "Hope." On it with matching blue sweats. I turned around and found Andy staring at me. "What?" I asked. He smiled. "Oh, nothing." He replied. I turned around and look at the room. There was a door labeled bathroom in the corner of the room. I walked over to the door and opened it and walked inside. I quickly changed and got out of the restroom and walked out. Andy laid on his bed shirtless in a pair of red checkered sweats. His chest was very fine looking I might add. He had a very tan six pack. I looked back up to his face, which was starring at me with a smirk. "Checking me out? Well
if you want, you can come feel them." He smirked. I could feel my cheeks burning and I walked to my bed. I hopped in and pulled the covers over me. Andy turned out the light. The room was no longer bright and the light of the moon was the only light in the room. I could hear Andy snoring after a couple of silent minutes. I started to shiver. It was cold. I had a very thin sheet which was covering me. My teeth stared to chatter. Andy woke up. "Jess are you cold?" He asked in his tired voice. "Ya a little." I replied. "You can come sleep with me if you want." He said. I was to cold to disagree, I climbed out of my cold bed, into his warm one. Andy pulled my closer. His warm body was pressed against my cold one. I smiled. Andy's arm was around me and I was definitely warm now. I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

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