The Dare

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Author's note :3
Okie so this isn't my first fanfic but the first one I'm posting so if you like it please tell me and I will post the next chapter after I get a few reads but I will try to make this as interesting as possible and sorry for any errors! Thank you hehe. (I do not own any characters other than my OCs okie bc Akashi bby is def not mine heh)

I hope you enjoy, have great day :3

Finally Friday. My best friend Shina is turning 17 and she is holding a party in her large house to celebrate.

     Shina is one of those people you would call "rich and beautiful." She had the long, shimmering blonde hair and piercing green eyes any guy would fall for, that's one reason why I don't understand why she is my friend.

     She has long legs, I'm short. She has long beautiful glowing hair, I have medium light pink messy hair. She attracts all the guys, I'm lucky if I get a cat to approach me. I guess that's just how friends are... There's the queen and its loyal follower but I know she needs me as a friend for we have been friends since we were little kids.

      We went to school together and now we are starting school at Rakuzan High School. It's been a week in school and she is still my only friend, but that's okay.

     I entered the door of her huge house and looked around at the massive amount of high school students chatting amongst themselves or just having a good time. I didn't feel the need to dress formal, so I wore my school uniform, some people had the same idea.

      "KATSUUUUU!" The blonde raced to me holding her arms out and squeezed me tightly. We got some strange looks but oh well.

     "Shina, chill. And also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I hugged her tightly and smiled.

      "Aw thank you Kat. I'm glad you came, I know parties aren't your thing..."

      "I came just for you, besides, it's your birthday I can't miss it!"

      "Okay, I'm gonna go and chat up some super cute seniors that came so you go and have fun, okay?" She started to race off waving bye and smirking.

      "Shina, wait!"

      She had already left me and I was deserted alone in the massive mansion surrounded by wild high schoolers.

      How did this happen, she always does this! Oh well, might as well look around...

     I wandered around looking for something to do. I was shoved around a little and made slight squealing noises every time I made impact with another body.

     It's so hot in here, why?

    I finally spotted the food table and perked up with excitement. I began to run over but ran directly into a muscular body and fell straight to the ground.

     Ow ow ow ow ow.

     I landed on my butt and winced in pain looking up and who I had run into.

     "I'm very sorry, I was just trying to-"

     The muscular high schooler took my hand and lifted me up. His different colored eyes stared directly into mine giving me a threatening look. I instantly recognized the who it was by the red hair.

      It had to be Akashi, really? The freaking captain of the basketball team...

     "I'm gonna go..." I quickly loosened from his grip and ran to the food table shoving strawberries in my mouth panicking about what had just happened.

       Eat away the embarrassment Katsu, eat it away...

     Akashi was the head of the school being the basketball captain and the president of Rakuzan. He always had a serious, yet threating look on his face that gave me the shivers. Also, he always carries a pair of scissors around which is basically his weapon to use against anyone who disobeys him... Pretty scary right?

      I left the food table after devouring some strawberries and began to walk away from the crowd to roam the hallways. There were a few groups spread out but other than that the hallways were almost empty. I looked around at paintings on walls but then my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled into a room.


    "It's just me Katsu, chill..." Shina giggled. Nope, she was not the only one there was clearly five other people in this dimly lit room.

     "Oh, and them. We were just playing truth or dare and I was wondering if you wanted to join..."

     "Do I have a choice?"

     "Nope, you're playing!" Figures. She dragged me to the circle with the other people. I recognized a few of them from my classes and he others were basketball players. How does she get this popular!

     "Okay, Katsu... Truth or dare?" I was asked by a basketball member with orange-yellow hair and a sharp tooth that stuck out from his mouth. He smirked a little and seemed full of energy.

       "Dare." Wow you should've chosen truth you baka.

      "Hmmm..." He thought rubbing his chin then gave a devious smile glancing and Shina. Shina gave a smirk and a nod. What what what.

      "I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors."

I stole the captain's ScissorsWhere stories live. Discover now