The Boy with Blue Hair

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"Get up did you forget?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Akashi wearing the school uniform in front of me. I was snuggled up in his blankets and my hair was probably a mess. Forget what...

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I jumped out of the bed feeling the cold on my legs as I ran into my room to get on my uniform. I quickly put it on and tied my hair up in a ponytail leaving my fringe out.

"I'm going to leave without you!" I heard Akashi shout from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back hopping on one foot struggling to put my other shoe on.

I wanted fall break to last forever because I was tired of school and all the work I had to do. The only good thing about school is... Um... You know what I honestly can't think of a reason.

I made my way down the stairs and raced outside to see Akashi waiting for me. I guess we were walking even though I really hoped for a warm car.

"Are you stupid?" Akashi asked. My hands were on my knees and I was breathing heavily.

"What else was I supposed to do, you didn't wake me up in time-"

"No, you forget a jacket. Do I have to look out for you every second of the day?" Akashi rolled his eyes and took off his varsity jacket for basketball and placed it on my shoulders.

"Take it back you are going to get cold!" I tried taking it off and handing it to Akashi but he refused by crossing his arms. I gave up and just put the jacket on because I actually was quite cold in the freezing air.

We walked silently for the rest of the way until we were at the school. I gave him the jacket back and we went our separate ways as usual going to different classes.

My first class was especially chaotic today. I don't know what it was but it was loud and annoying and I wanted out right as I stepped in. I sat down in the far left seat in the back. Shina told me she was sick couldn't make it to school a few days ago, but I didn't know it was actually that bad to where she has been sick for a week or so, so I had no one to talk to.

After a while people finally settled down as the bell rang was about to ring and everyone made it to their seats. Right before the bell rang, a boy with pale skin and light blue hair slipped into the room. My eyes widened and I sat in shock. We made eye contact and I swear that was probably one of the most awkward moments of my life.

About that secret I've been keeping... Back about a few years ago I was dating this guy. Yeah this guy was very attached to me and I didn't get it because I couldn't feel the same way. And yes we were in middle school but apparently I thought I loved him for about a solid three months. Things just started to get boring and I lost interest, but he sure didn't.

He would text me all the time... Call me all the time... He would be by my side all the time. I honestly felt bad for him, but I was so annoyed I didn't care anymore. I told him a few times that I didn't know if we would work together, but he laughed it off and would just cling to me even tighter.

One day I decided if he wouldn't break up with me, I would find a way to where he would want to break up with me. We usually met up outside by a tree to have lunch everyday, so I went there and found this boy. This boy. Ugh I was so stupid I'm going to have a cringe attack over middle school me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my over attached boyfriend walking close. I remember thinking 'this is perfect!' I rushed over to the boy with blue hair and whispered in his ear 'bare with me here,' and I kissed him. Nope, not just a peck, I full on kissed him. My arms were around his neck and I was holding onto him so he could escape. He didn't seem to try to am escape though.

Poor guy was so scared he looked so innocent and probably never kissed anyone before, but lucky him I'm a good kisser. I decided not to pull away until I saw my boyfriend running away. After a few seconds of making out with one eye open, I saw my now ex boyfriend running back inside crying. Crying!

When I finally did pull away, the poor boy looked at me horror filled eyes probably thinking 'what just happened.' He was breathing deeply and was slightly shaking.

I remember apologizing and saying I needed to do it and you just so happened to be there. He didn't speak, I couldn't tell what he was thinking at all because his face was almost emotionless other than the slightest hint of fear in his eyes.

Basically what happened some people saw what I did, rumors spread all over the school and I was basically called a slut by almost everyone. The people who didn't call me a slut were people that were too afraid to approach me. I switched schools because I didn't want to deal with that life and BOOM now I go to Rakuzan High School where the only people who know about my secret are Shina, the people Shina told at the party, and Akashi. Well at least Akashi said he knew the guy and knew why a happened but oh well.

Back to reality, the boy's face remained emotionless and his eyes were still on me and the only seat left was the one in front of me. He quickly sat down and attempted to act like nothing happened.

He changed a lot. There was now muscle in his arms that I can spot clearly, he had gotten taller, and his shakiness seemed to disappear. He seemed calm and emotionless, invisible maybe?

Should I talk to him? Does he remember me? I couldn't decide what to do but in the process of thinking the boy turned around and put his arms on my desk and his face was directly in front of mine.


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