The King's Queen

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I pulled away from his grip and looked at him as he seemed amused. But I had a completely different expression. I was filled with anger and was done with this spoiled redhead.

  "I'm leaving," I turned and went to the door. I fumbled with the lock and couldn't unlock it. Akashi is probably laughing at me right now. "How does this thing open!"

  Akashi walked up behind me and took my hand showing me how to unlock it. I pulled my hand away from his quickly.

    "I don't want your help," I glared then went back to messing with it. He seemed to back off and watched me as if I was some entertainer. I finally figured it out and walked out the door. He is actually letting me leave.

    "Katsu." I heard a stern voice calling my name from behind but didn't bother to stop and kept walking down the hallway.

    "Katsu, you better stop now..." He called again.

   "Why, what are you going to do about it!" I turned and looked back at him. He grinned then took the scissors out of his pocket and threw them directly at me, but I was able to duck in time and they got stuck on the wall behind me.

   "Are you trying to kill me!" I shouted.

   "No, I knew you would dodge it. But I can kill you if you decide to take a step further," He walked closer to me and stopped in front of me. I was slightly shaking because of what just happened. I literally could've died.

   "Now, let me show you to your room," he grabbed my wrist and began to lead me back towards the direction of his room. I decided not to fight back because I know now that he does have the capability to kill me. He led me to a door right next to his and opened it.

   "Before you say anything, there is a dresser filled with clothes your size, a bathroom, and a queen sized bed," he led me into the room.

  The large room was painted a beige color and all of the furniture was white. The bedspread, on the other hand, was a light pink... My favorite color. The ceiling was tall and there were paintings of scenery in shades of pink to match the bedspread and there was a large window behind my bed. There was also a balcony on the opposite side of the bathroom door but it was close to Akashi's room.

  "That balcony is connected to my room as well." He commented. How did he know I was thinking of that... And wait...

  "How do you know my size?" I looked up at him. He looked at me up and down.

  "Well you are pretty skinny so I figured out that you are a size one in jeans and wear small or medium shirts... I'm not stupid," he looked away from me expressionless.

  "I would say this is more of a reward then a punishment," I laughed a little and ran to the bed and jumped on it. So soft!

  "Well this is the one upside, I just need you in my sight because you are going to be my fake girlfriend from now on," he smirked. I stopped bouncing on the bed and looked at him with a serious look.


   "Well I'm tired of the fangirls at the school and maybe if I had a girlfriend they would get off my back, so since you disobeyed me, you are the perfect person. Usually girls would dream of being even my fake girlfriend, but I know how much you hate me, so it seemed perfect." He said walking closer and sat down next to me on the bouncy, pink bed.

  "And why would I agree to this, everyone will hate me and I don't want to spend time with you!" I scooted away from him.

  "Well if you disagree, I will throw the scissors at your head again, and this time, I won't miss. And also, you being hated is another part of your punishment," he scooted closer to me.

  Well there is no backing out of this... Ugh I wanna kill him so badly or just run away... I shouldn't have even done that stupid dare!

  "Well I don't want to act like those touchy couples who don't leave each other, can we have like one of those elementary relationships where we just say hey to each other then discuss how much we hate that one kid for stealing my crayons and are afraid to even lay a finger on each other..." I mentioned trying to give myself the slightest bit of freedom.

  "Nope, just follow my lead. And if you refuse to follow my lead and act like we aren't together, there will be more punishments." He stood up then looked down at me who was sitting on the bed still.

  "Got it?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Yes Akashi."

  "Well now you must call me Seijuro, okay?"

  "What no!"

  "Hmm I wonder what you would look like without any of your hair..."


  He chuckled at me and began to walk to the door.

  "You think of leaving, you die. Be ready for dinner at 6:00 sharp downstairs in the dining room. Change your clothes and maybe take a bath as well."

  Man, he is strict. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

  "See you soon, Akumu," he left and shut the door.

I stole the captain's ScissorsWhere stories live. Discover now