Akashi's Thoughts Part 1

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*takes place the same day Akumu was planning to steal the scissors the second time, enjoy!*

And make sure you have read the other chapters in the story or else some of his thoughts won't make sense.

I shot a glance up at Akumu from a distance. From the looks of it she got over me pretty fast, that honestly hit me hard. Her face showed dignity, something that I loved, and her stance was prideful. I'm going to be honest, I might have drooled.

I have been bothered by several girls recently, but even though I look like I got over it quickly, I feel so hurt. Whenever another girl approaches me, I want to respond with 'Leave!' And hope they walk away, but instead I stayed quiet and tried to ignore them hoping they would walk away.

When I saw Akumu with Kuroko the other day, my heart broke into pieces. I was so furious I didn't realize what I was saying. It's like some bomb went off inside of me when I saw her with someone else. But then I guess I got really mad somehow and told her I didn't even like her. Well that was probably the biggest lie I have ever told.

I remember the first day she approached me. That little pink-haired munchkin stole my scissors! Of course I didn't like her at first, I actually hated her because she annoyed the crap out of me. Her stubbornness made me want to yell and her annoying remarks really ticked me off. I despised her.

But then when I told her she had to be my fake girlfriend, I thought it was genius. Finally! I get the other girls out of my way and a plus, I get to show that munchkin what she deserves for messing with me. I didn't expect myself to fall in love with her, it just happened I guess.

Days went on and I slowly got attached to her. Her smart remarks began to make me smile and her stubbornness I found kind of cute actually. I wanted to run my fingers through her pink hair all day and have her by my side. I became angry at myself fairly quickly as well for how stupid I was to let this happen.

I also remember that day her "friend" Kenta thought it was smart to steal her from me. They had lunch together and Akumu looked so happy with him. I remember thinking to myself how much better I could do than him. I made her sad saying she had to stay away from him, but I wanted her eyes on no one else but me.

That night she got sick because she was stupid enough to stay out in the cold. I brought her home to take care of her and I looked layed back, but inside my heart was pounding like crazy. I thought I was the sick one instead of her. Especially when I walked in to get the bowl from her and she was barely wearing anything, man did my heart die. I swear I'm not perverted.

I let her sleep with me then too and I was so hot that night. The feeling of her next to me made me die inside. But what really hit me was in the morning when she was on top of me. My eyes instantly widened then, and I just stared at her for a good ten minutes then decided to read. I played it off and acted like I didn't care but good thing she couldn't tell my hands were sweating like crazy.

She was a mess then. Falling down the stairs, her hair in a nest, not caring about her appearance. I didn't care that she looked like that, she made me the happiest I have been in a long time. Once my mother died my father became cold hearted and I said I would be the next company leader, but in all honesty, I didn't want to at all. I was always at the top of my studies and worked so hard to please him, but in reality I was just trying to please my mother who I missed dearly. She told me before she died to make sure my father is in good shape, and I promised that to her.

Akumu reminded me of her so much. The smile looked like my mothers, her laugh reminded me of her, and the smart remarks too! Akumu made me feel the joy that I had missed for a long period of time and I didn't want to let that go.

Within the next few days after she was sick, Kenta approached me in the hallway when no one was around. He told me to stay away from Akumu and that he wanted her to himself. Of course, I refused because I wanted her to myself. I didn't see it coming and he swung at me. He hit my side which nearly knocked the wind out of me. He then kicked me in the same spot and I couldn't fight back, I lied to Akumu about beating him up badly, I was honestly scared. He left and spoke a single sentence. 'Leave her alone or else'

I should've left her alone or that horrible thing wouldn't have happened. When she ran off I couldn't stop her from being mad at me the night of the maid cafe. I showed her the bruises but she didn't believe me. I thought she was just going to her house to think things over.

After time I began getting worried and I decided to follow her close behind. I lost track of where she went but she was obviously not heading home. I wandered the streets and was unable to find her, but I remembered I have a tracker on her phone. Don't judge me, I'm an overprotective one okay! I followed the tracker to where she was.

I remember quickly running into the house when I heard her voice. I saw Kenta on top of her hopeless self and anger rushed through me. I jerked him off her as quick as I could I punched him a few times then threw him against the wall. I probably damaged it but it's not like I cared.

I quickly picked up Akumu's shaking body, it made me so upset to see her like this. My heart was broken and I quickly grabbed a blanket to cover her up. When she cried in my chest that night, I couldn't help but cry a little as well.

*prepare for part twoooo!*

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