I ended up not staying over at Shina's and went home because I had to make the plan. I don't know why I put so much thought into it when I already did it before, but if I wanted good sleep I would have to have been without Shina because she could talk all night and I wouldn't be able to sleep.
Also, I felt like I needed to do this alone without her help. So when I woke up in the morning, I reached over and and turned off the alarm that rang loudly right next to me. It read 'it's death day, yayyy.'
Sound familiar? I used the same alarm as I did the first time I stole his scissors... Time for attempt two.
I went through the same process I did the first day I tried this. I brushed out my messy light pink hair, put on my uniform and slid on my thigh-high socks. I put on light makeup then grabbed my backpack then took my keys from the counter and locked my door.
(Exact process aka copy and paste XD)
I walked into the school doors with confidence. My head was not looking at the ground, I looked somewhat decent, and I just casually walked down the hallway with dignity. The murmurs didn't go away but I still stood tall over the false rumors.
"I like girls who have dignity and are slightly elegant as well..."
Akashi likes girls with dignity huh? Well look what you are missing out on now, hon.
I went through my daily schedule as usual by going to all my classes and began mentally preparing myself through each class. I kept telling myself words like 'you have done this before' and 'you can do it' just the usual motivational words. Actually it's not that usual considering I don't think people on a daily basis steal scissors from Akashi...
Shina gave me some weird looks because of how sad I was the night before and I got a few glances from Akashi as well. Were those glances of disgust or jealousy? I couldn't make out what they were because I was trying to avoid eye contact with him. But Shina's expressions were obvious. She was confused af.
This time, I didn't have a car to escape to and the weight of my backpack was still on me. This was definitely going to be harder. Short legs don't fail me now!
It was the last class. I suddenly began to feel the same feeling I felt the first time I did this. I zoned out the words the teacher was speaking and only listened to the voices in my head. My stomach had the butterflies and my hands were slightly trembling. I didn't want to hurt him like I did last time I tried this.
Pffft never mind! I don't care if I hurt him he hurt me so why not. I might as well intentionally stab him with the scissors! What is wrong with me.
I took a breath and closed my eyes. Here we go.
People began to leave the class once the bell rang, but I stayed until Akashi began walking to the door. Luckily he was the last one to leave so it made this whole process easier. Before Akashi could escape through the door like the others, I blocked it standing in the middle and both hands holding onto opposite sides of the door.
I probably looked like a kitten trying to stop a lion from entering a cave, how pathetic.
"Move," the low voice I missed boomed in my ears. Although I missed it, it still did frighten me. I saw the outline of the scissors through his uniform. I gulped and was slightly shaky just like last time.
"No," I squeaked. I cringed at myself. I'm so stupid what was that! I blinked and mentally slapped myself. Come on Katsu you can do it!
"You dare disobey me?" He stepped closer and looked really mad. I felt like the same scene was happening as last time. I remember him speaking those same words.
He stood and looked down at me searching my eyes.
"You never gave me an answer from yesterday." He had a blank expression.
"I'm not answering you." I gulped and tried my hardest to hide my nervousness. I think I was actually doing a good job. His expression turned from blank to anger.
"You dare to disobey me?" He stepped closer with a threatening aura. You can do it Katsu...
"I was told not to run with scissors, but here I go..."
My hands were shaking but then I decided to make my move.
My hands bolted up from the side of the door to his chest, but before I could make contact, both of my hands were grabbed. My fingertips skimmed the buttons before I was pulled forward.
My eyes widened as his lips met mine.

I stole the captain's Scissors
Fanfiction"I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors." Those words rang though my head. I instantly knew that this wasn't just a dare, but the cause of my death. "Do I have t-" "No exceptions, you don't do it, then I can tell the whole school your li...