Akashi's Thoughts Part 2

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For the rest of the time I spend with her, I didn't want to leave her alone at all. Seeing her hopeless like she was before killed me. I decided that I needed to protect her no matter what.

But like I said before, when I saw her with Kuroko, I went insane. I thought that Kuroko might have been planning to do the same thing Kenta did with her, so I went full out overprotective boyfriend on him and I was furious. My words and thoughts didn't agree with each other and I said I never liked her.

When I left that night my heart was probably just as broken as hers. I slept in the bed that she used to inside of my house that night. I could still smell her cotton candy scent and I missed it so much. I kept thinking what an idiot I was to fall for someone that quickly... To allow myself to fall for someone like that. I didn't have the guts to apologize to her and confess to her.

So when she finally stopped me at the door, I couldn't hold back. I didn't care what she was doing but when I saw those beautiful eyes and light pink hair, I lost it. I pulled her in and kissed her. I had been wanting to do that for so long I couldn't stand it anymore.

I wanted to stay like that forever but she pushed me away slightly and I didn't want to hurt her. I let my innocent and pathetic side come out. I was never able to feel this way with anyone else but her. I always loved being in charge and knowing that I was higher up than everyone else, but when I was around her it made my knees weak.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that," I interrupted her. She bit her lip and I wanted to pull her back in and kiss her again.

"I thought you didn't like me..." She looked at the ground. I wanted to yell that I loved her the whole time, that I couldn't stand a day without her.

"I was just frustrated to see you with another guy..." I mumbled. I held back on my confession because I figured the kiss was enough, but she did deserve to know that I went off at her because I was jealous.

"Oh so you were jealous...?" She looked up at me. I rolled my eyes. Well duh.

"Maybe..." I tried to prevent myself from my face getting red. She slightly giggled but quickly changed when she hit me on the arm. I didn't even get mad at her for it, I deserved it, if not more.

"Do you know how much you hurt me!" Her expression was filled with hurt, I wanted to quickly replace it with a smile. Of course I know, and it hurt me just as much.

"I know I'm sorry, do you know how much it killed me to see you walk around like that all gloomy and such. I honestly couldn't live with myself," I said. That's when I just snapped into a weak version of myself, and she burst into laughter. I loved her laugh so much. I let go of her and watched as she backed away holding her stomach. Did I mention that I loved to see her laugh?

"What?" I straightened up and tried to go back to myself.

"What happened to you?" She giggled. I turned my head in a pathetic way trying to show that I didn't realize what I was doing.

She rolled her eyes at my fake cluelessness and her cute giggle settled to just a smile. "The Akashi that was all demanding and showed little to no sympathy whatsoever, what happened to him?"

"He left once I realized how much I needed you," I spoke. It was true, when she left me I became a mess. More pathetic than she was the night she was sick and fell at least 5 times.

"Oh and now you are being cheesy too?"

"Shut up." I tried my hardest not to blush. I couldn't help it, it was her fault for making me feel this way!

"I will forgive your cheesiness if you kiss me again..." I smirked and pulled her forward but this time I decided to tease her and lifted her up throwing her over my shoulder instead of kissing her just like I did back when she didn't know how much I loved her.

I truly loved Akumu. I couldn't stand a day without her and fell in love with her quickly. So as I walked down the hall with her on my shoulder as she hit at my back giggling, all I could think was of how much I loved her. How much I wanted her. And I hoped she felt the same.

I hoped you liked Akashi's perspective, sadly the story is coming to an end soon and I would like to thank all of you for the support because it makes me so happy that my first published fanfic already has 15k read like what even! I love you guys so much hehe, have a great day or night wherever you are!

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