The festival is in one day here at Rakuzan High School. The maid cafe is set up in the cafeteria and us workers hung up black curtains all around and set up tables with black tablecloths and candles as a centerpiece. The only lighting in the dim, large room was candle light and white Christmas lights streamed on the walls.
The theme was black and white for the maid cafe, so our stupid outfits were black and white with a tint of red in places like a bow and belt. I had the biggest fear that while I was walking I would trip over something because of the dark room. I felt as if I were in one of those fancy restaurants which give high class food but pay like nothing for he electricity bill.
I didn't even bother to look at the menu because I wasn't the one cooking the food anyways, just serving it.
"Katsu, your centerpieces are gorgeous!" A black haired girl commented messing with the petal of a white flower which was placed right next to the vanilla scented candle. I gave a smile and bowed my head slightly.
"Thank you," I watched as she smiled and began to walk off. She was one of the twenty members of the maid cafe who was going to work the same shift as I, but she was the cook.
I left the room managing to not fall over anything and was immediately exposed by light. I squinted, was it really that dark?
It was after school hours so it wasn't that crowded other than some of the students setting up their booths preparing for tomorrow. I went over to the basketball court and spotted Akashi and some of this team members messing around.
Akashi spotted me and stopped playing then began walking over followed by his team members.
"Ahh so this is Katsu?" A tall basketball member with black hair that went to his neck looked down at me giving a smile
"Hey," I smiled. "Akashi may you please introduce me to your friends?" I asked looking at him. He nodded and began going down the line.
"This is Hayama, Hayama meet Katsu." Akashi pointed to a yellow-orange haired boy who has a snaggletooth but gave of a very energetic aura. He held his hand out and I accepted shaking it.
"Nice to meet you!" He smiled and I smiled back.
"You already met Reo, vice captain," he pointed to the black haired player I already introduced myself to. "And then there is Chihiro." He motioned towards a player with grey hair who had a blank gaze and stuck is hand out forcibly and I shook it. He seemed unamused.
"Nice to meet you," I smiled but he remained emotionless.
"And this is Nebuya," Akashi pointed to a dark skinned player with black hair that had a grin plastered on his face. He shook my hand with his large, clammy hand and spoke.
"Pleasure meeting you Akumu." He let go of my hand and I slowly brought my arm to my side. Oh, first name already?
"Did you finish setting up the cafe?" Akashi asked. I nodded and the snaggletooth perked up.
"She's a maid! I didn't know that, can we go Akashi!" His eyes lit up and the others also gave Akashi a begging look. I giggled a little and Akashi looked at me with a questioning look.
"I mean... I guess you guys can?" I spoke instead of Akashi and their faces went happy other than the grey haired boy who remained unamused.
"Well I will see you tomorrow then," I slightly laughed and turned to walk away. Akashi started walking next to me and as we walked away I heard a whisper from one of the guys.
"I wonder what she will look like in one of those outfits!"
I rolled my eyes and Akashi seemed to get closer to me then intertwined his fingers with mine.
"I have to show these losers that you are mine," he said and looked down at me with the slightest smirk. I wasn't allowed to pull away and looked forward trying to prevent a blush.
"And for the thousandth time, it's Seijuro!"

I stole the captain's Scissors
Hayran Kurgu"I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors." Those words rang though my head. I instantly knew that this wasn't just a dare, but the cause of my death. "Do I have t-" "No exceptions, you don't do it, then I can tell the whole school your li...