Kenta Hoshimi

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Above picture is Kenta :3 read ahead to find out who he is! I hope you like it!

I separated from him and went to homeroom, the one class I have without him there. Girls were talking amongst themselves, obviously bad things about me. Shina came running up to me and grabbed my wrists

"YOU AND AKASHI ARE A THING!" She yelled seeming surprised and excited but also looked slightly mad at me for not telling her before.

"N-" wait I can't say no or I will get major punishment worse than this already. She looked deeply into my eyes waiting for an answer.


"EEEEEK!" She squealed and I just rolled my eyes and loosened from her grip and sat down. She seemed like the only one happy about my "relationship" with Akashi. The other girls, though, seemed really upset with me.

I was thankful when the bell rang that I could leave. I quickly left the room and walked across the hallway to my next class. I spotted the redhead and went up to him.

"It's been one class and I'm already getting evil glares and insults!" I frowned crossing my arms. He just chuckled a little and leaned down to my height and whispered.

"You didn't tell anyone this was fake yet, have you?"

His voice set shivers down my spine and I blushed a little. What! No stop.

"No Akashi," I replied.

Girls started talking and glancing at us. We don't look like a very convincing couple...

Akashi leaned in closer and kissed my forehead. I looked up at his fake smiling face.

"What was that-"

"I already told you, call me Seijuro."

Ugghhhh just give it a rest, it's just a name. I rolled my eyes and sat down and he sat next to me.

"Remember that every time you make it obvious that this isn't real, you will get punished," he spoke in a quiet tone but loud enough for me to hear and didn't make eye contact.

"Okay," I sighed and rest my head on my hands.

*~*~*~*~*~*later that day*~*~*~*~*~*

A few miserable classes later, it was finally recess. (no not like elementary recess, it's a break period in high school and you can get food in this time) I need a break from all of this.

"Hey, Katsu! Wanna grab some lunch?" A voice spoke behind me and I turned.

I squealed in excitement.

What are the chances I would see my best friend from when I was in my first year of high school! We both got busy and drifted away from each other so I was thrilled at even seeing him again.

He stood waving and smiling with his brown hair hanging close to his face. His muscles were clearly obvious, for he was one of the strongest people I know. He had a cute face that any girl would fall for, but it firm body was definitely stronger than most guys. His radiant smile could brighten anyone's day which is what I loved about him. I started to run over to him and I hugged him tightly.

"Kenta!" I smiled. I haven't talked to him in forever, I felt how firm he was when I hugged him. "Have you been working out?" I giggled feeling his chest, but it wasn't strange or flirtatious because he was practically my brother.

"Maybe just a little," he chuckled while smiling.

"You are too cute for such a manly guy, Kenta, and yes I will go and eat with you," I walked close beside him as we started towards a cafe we used to always go to when we were first years.

"I heard the rumors, so you and Akashi are a thing?"

He knows, noooo.

"Yeah," I said looking off to a cherry blossom tree close by.

"I see, and how did such a king-like guy get a wimpy misfit like you!" He looked down at me chuckling jokingly.

"Shut up!" I giggled and punched him playfully.

"I'm glad I got to see you, it's been a while!"

"I know! Maybe a year?" I commented.

We used to be the bestest of friends and everyone thought we were dating, but we always just said that we were siblings and people seemed to believe us, so we just kept it that way and used it as a joke. He was like a brother to me though. Every time I was hurt, he was there for me. Whenever someone was mean to me, he would either beat them up or tell them to leave.

"Siblings should be able to see each other everyday! What happened?" He let out a small laugh and I smiled.

"I'm sorry, I just got caught up in some things... How about we eat lunch together every day from now on!" I jumped at the idea.

"I would love that," he looked down at me smiling. He was about the same height as Akashi but had more muscle but a kinder face. Even though he was bigger than Akashi, he is definitely nicer than him.

We walked into the cafe and he got us some food and we sat at an outdoor table we used to always sit at.

"So how have you been?" I asked him shoving noodles into my mouth.

"I've been great ,actually. How have you been?"

Horrible. I'm basically Akashi's toy now and I can't even live in my own house anymore.

"I've been feeling good as well," I didn't want to worry him or mention the fake relationship having the thought of punishment in mind.

"That's great! I miss this... talking to you here," he took a bite of his food smiling at me.

"Me too," I grinned.

I never got why Kenta was always so happy and cheery. When ever he gave someone a glare, he looked like the most threatening person on the planet despite his cute face, I don't get it.

"We should probably head back now, we still have school to attend," he got up and took my trash and threw it away for me. I wish Akashi was this nice...

I walked back with him and we caught up on a few things we missed since our first year of high school. We made a few jokes and were laughing and having a great time. I'm so happy I was able to see him again because I really needed this happiness right now.

He branched off once we were back in school grounds going off to his class and I started towards mine. While I was walking and looking at the ground I ran into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" I looked up. Oh it was just Akashi... But what's with that angry face?

"Who was that you were just with?"

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